Morrow-Odom, K. Leigh


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Efficacy of using music therapy combined with traditional aphasia and apraxia of speech treatments 2010 11905 The literature suggests that music therapy is effective in the treatment of aphasia and apraxia of speech (AOS) (Beathard & Krout, 2008; Robey, 1998). To date, no studies have been conducted to determine if traditional speech-language therapy comb...
Dementia caregivers' perspectives regarding the effectiveness of support group involvement 2013 5257 Caregiver burden can be defined as the stress experienced by someone caring for another individual with an illness or disorder, and it is influenced by time-dependence, degenerative stage, physical obstacles, social isolation, and emotional strain (C...
Effect of Spanish-language training module on technical vocabulary acquisition 2015 1989 This project created a module to be offered to Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD)students interested in working with Spanish-speaking clients consisting of activities coveringterminology and vocabulary relevant to the different areas of speec...
Age related differences in feedback-based associative learning 2015 1033 Laine and Salmelin (2010) described language as dynamic, constantly changing as new words, expressions, and meanings appear and fade away. As a result, all speakers of a language, regardless of years of language use, must be able to update their lexi...
Effectiveness of an aphasia training module presented to mental health professionals 2017 1077 People with stroke-induced aphasia are often limited in communication effectiveness and efficiency because of their language disorder. Such limitations can have drastic impacts on these individual’s quality of life and mental health. Given the myriad...