Myers, Erin


There are 8 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Examining sexism through the lens of the Five-Factor Model : a facet level approach 2014 4977 The relationship between personality and generalized prejudice has been an important area of research in social psychology. Early literature posited that those individuals with high levels of right-wing authoritarianism were more likely to display ov...
Role of race and appearance in the dehumanization of women and minorities 2016 3366 Research has indicated a pattern in different forms of dehumanization as they occur for women. When women are presented in a beauty-based manner, they are mechanistically dehumanized, which involves a denial of human nature traits; when women are pre...
The effects of nesting on grandparent investment 2016 976 Grandparental investment in grandchildren is a topic of interest within the field of evolutionary psychology. Studies have shown a consistent pattern of differences when it comes to each grandparent’s investment levels (Danielsbacka, Tanskanen, Jokel...
Playing hard to get: attraction, uncertainty, and tinder 2017 8718 Does ‘playing hard to get’ really work in our favor in encounters with potential romantic partners? Research on uncertainty in social interactions may support this adage and help explain why it works. Whitchurch, Wilson, and Gilbert (2011) showed tha...
Growth after betrayal: interplay between event centrality, trauma symptoms, and positive perspectives 2021 378 While many individuals have experienced a traumatic event in their lifetime, reactions to trauma can vary greatly (Schuettler & Boals, 2011). While some are minimally affected by the traumatic event, others experience a myriad of negative outcomes, s...
Individual variables related to rape myth acceptance and bystander intervention : implications for sexual assault prevention 2016 5797 The present study was conducted to examine whether individual variables (e.g., sexist beliefs, gender-conforming attitudes, and attitudes toward sexuality) can be combined to predict Rape Myth Acceptance (RMA) and Bystander Intervention (BI) attitude...
Gender role conflict and situational context 2017 4830 Gender role conflict (GRC) is thought to occur when men’s adherence to strict male gender roles create conflicts with incompatible situational demands (O’Neil, 2015). GRC has been correlated with various negative outcomes (e.g., anxiety, depression, ...
Workplace backlash toward agentic women: an intersectional approach 2018 2427 In order to succeed and advance as professionals in the modern workplace, women must exhibit agentic behavior (i.e., displaying confidence, dominance), due to the traditionally valued characteristics. However, because agentic behavior is a violation ...