Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
"...the whole river is a bustle some about their children, brothers and husbands and the rest of us about our salt." : the antebellum industrialization of the Kanawha Valley in the Virginia backcountry |
2013 |
7780 |
The Kanawha River of West Virginia begins at the confluence of the New and Gauley Rivers. It runs northwest for 97 miles through south central West Virginia until it reaches the Ohio River at the town of Point Pleasant. The Great Kanawha Valley is an... |
Pride in the mountains: A queer Appalachian anthology, 1970s-2020s |
2024 |
177 |
"Pride in the Mountains" seeks to disrupt the fixity of regional-based Appalachian and LGBTQ+ identities through the evaluation of sociocultural place-making and change over time for queer individuals and communities in Appalachia. As this thesis cen... |
The development of public libraries in Progressive-Era North Carolina, 1896-1929 |
2020 |
552 |
My research traces the history of one type of educational institution in North Carolina from the beginning to the end of the Southern progressive movement. Progressivism was a national movement that re-interpreted the role of the state in the nation’... |