Browse Author By Last Name - C

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There are 52 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Cahoon, Lawrence BruceBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW Faculty
Canada, Lee ERIT, UNCW N/A
Canan, Sasha School of Health & Applied Human Sciences, UNCW Faculty
Cancelli, Anna MariaEnglish, UNCW Student
Cannon, Charles UNCW N/A
Capuano-Deese, Tracey A.Education, UNCW Student
Carey, Erin S.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Carrier, Joseph K.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Carroll, Dawn M.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Cartrette, Cassandra HilburnEducation, UNCW Student
Casazza, Tara L.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Casteel, Richard C.Psychology, UNCW Student
Castro, Nicholas School of Health and Applied Human Sciences, UNCW Faculty
Cavallerano, Edward J.Earth Sciences, UNCW Student
Caveny, Heather R.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Chapman, Cass English, UNCW Student
Chartrand, Kathryn M.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Chen, Jinsong Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Chen, Yea-Jyh Nursing, UNCW Faculty
Chen, Yi Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Cheng, Lin Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Cheng, Wei Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Cherry, Sabrina T.School of Health and Applied Human Sciences, UNCW Faculty
Cheshire, Adam English, UNCW Student
Cicero, Michelle ElizabethHistory, UNCW Student