Browse Author By Last Name - A

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There are 20 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Aygen, Deniz Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Ashe, Diana English, UNCW Faculty
Artabane, Stephen J.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Arp, Jennifer RebeccaBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Argabright, Lynnee Randall Library, UNCW Faculty
Ansel, Shi N.Psychology, UNCW Student
Anna, Pearson Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW N/A
Andreescu, Florentina International Studies, UNCW Faculty
Alves-de-Souza, Catharina Center for Marine Sciences, UNCW Faculty
Almeida, Paulo F.Chemistry, UNCW N/A
Almeida, Antje PokornyDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW N/A
Allgood, Sarah Psychology, UNCW Student
Alexanian, Moorad Physics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW Faculty
Albert, A. MidoriDepartment of Anthropology, UNCW Faculty
Alamleh, Hosam Computer Science, UNCW Faculty
Agbozo, G. Edzordzi English, UNCW Faculty
Adger, Sonja M.Education, UNCW Student
Adams, Krysten ScottChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Achterhof, Jeffrey LHistory, UNCW Student
Abraham, Romeo Public and International Affairs, UNCW N/A