Browse Author By Last Name - K

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There are 23 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Kahn, Amanda E.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Kaltenbach, Kelley J.Geography and Geology, UNCW Student
Karabacak, Bilge Congdon School, UNCW Faculty
Karlon, Kathleen MaryMathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Kelley, Patricia Earth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW Faculty
Kemp, Deborah KalnenPsychology, UNCW Student
Kemp, Rebecca William Madison Randall Library, UNCW Faculty
Kennedy, Patrick J.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Key, Heyward M.Earth Sciences, UNCW Student
Kidwell, Kelli DeckerEnglish, UNCW Student
Kim-Godwin, Yeon SooSchool of Nursing, UNCW N/A
King, Aaron Public and International Affairs, UNCW Faculty
King-Owen, Scott History, UNCW Student
Kladder, Jonathan UNCW Faculty
Knaub, Daniel P.English, UNCW Student
Knierim, Adam ClairGeography and Geology, UNCW Student
Knierim, Tika L.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW N/A
Kohman, Rachel A.Department of Psychology, UNCW Faculty
Koontz, Kendall DawnEducation, UNCW Student
Krehbiel, Doug History, UNCW Student
Krzysiak, Amanda J.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Kumar, Kamlesh Cameron School of Business, UNCW Student
Kunzleman, Jennifer I.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student