Browse Author By Last Name - M

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There are 65 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
MacGillivray, Kenneth A.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
MacNevin, Christopher J.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Macpherson, Tara A.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Magolan, Kathleen M.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Maguire, David R.Psychology, UNCW Student
Mahalingam, Gayathri Computer Science , UNCW Faculty
Mallin, Michael Center for Marine Sciences, UNCW Faculty
Malone, Larissa Instructional Technology, Foundations and Sec. Ed, UNCW Faculty
Maltez, Megan Education, UNCW Student
Manes, Gianluca Marine Science, UNCW Student
Mangino, Adam Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Manley, Sarah D.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Markovsky, W. CoultBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Marmorstein, Jonathan Psychology, UNCW Student
Marriner, Harry R.Instructional Technology, Foundations, and Sec. Ed, UNCW Student
Marshall, Jeffrey A.Earth Sciences, UNCW Student
Martin, C. WayneMathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Martin, Florence Instructional Technology, Foundations, and Sec. Ed, UNCW Faculty
Mason, Benjamin M.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Massey, Christine L.English, UNCW Student
Masters, Daniel S. Political Science, UNCW Faculty
Mathis, Michele W.Psychology, UNCW Student
Matthews, Kevin Management Information Systems, UNCW Faculty
Maynor, Savannah Biology & Marine Biology, UNCW Faculty
McCoy, Michelle Geography and Geology, UNCW Student