Browse Author By Last Name - J

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There are 19 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Jackson, Chester W.Earth Sciences, UNCW Student
Jacome, Natalie B.Psychology, UNCW Student
Jaeger, Michael C.History, UNCW Student
Jarvis, Jessie Biology & Marine Biology, UNCW Faculty
Jennings, Kristine English, UNCW Student
Johnson, Daniel C.Music, UNCW Faculty
Johnson, Lisa K.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Johnson, Nathan Psychology, UNCW Student
Johnson, Samantha Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Johnson, Virginia L.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Jones, Adam C.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Jones, Adam T.School of Business, UNCW Faculty
Jones, Delinda D.Education, UNCW Student
Jones, Jennifer Ruth MillerChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Jones, Jessica L.English, UNCW Student
Jones, Lorelei AldridgeEducation, UNCW Student
Jones, Patrick Psychology, UNCW Student
Jones, Raymond WEnglish, UNCW Student
Jones, Stephanie N.English, UNCW Student