Browse Author By Last Name - W

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There are 42 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Waites, Stacie Marketing, UNCW Faculty
Waity, Jill JuliaSociology and Criminology, UNCW Faculty
Walden, Daniel P.English, UNCW Student
Walker, Gena B.English, UNCW Student
Walker, Lori J.Psychology, UNCW Student
Walters, Kyle D.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Wang, Yishi Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW Faculty
Waring, Jennifer W.Education, UNCW Student
Warren, Erin Psychology, UNCW Student
Weatherup, Elizabeth Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Faculty
Webster, David Wm.Biology & Marine Biology, UNCW Faculty
Weeks, Brian DouglasEnglish, UNCW Student
Wei, Zhangping Physics & Physical Oceanography, UNCW Faculty
Wells, Bridget GermanaEnglish, UNCW Student
Wells, Lauren E.Business, UNCW Student
Welsh, John M.Earth Sciences, UNCW Student
Whisnant, Jill Psychology, UNCW Student
Whitaker, Jay ErnestEnglish, UNCW Student
White, Allison E.Marine Science, UNCW Student
White, Tara History, UNCW Faculty
Whitehead, Jason RolandChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Wilde, James D.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Wilkinson, Rebecca Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Williams, Cara English, UNCW Student
Williams, Jennifer S.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Williams, Lynne ElizabethBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Williams, Patrick BEnglish, UNCW Student
Williamson, R. Thomas Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Faculty
Willis, Sarah PorterEducation, UNCW Student
Wilson, Aimee English, UNCW Student
Wilson, Jeanette E.Psychology, UNCW Student
Wirth, R. J.Psychology, UNCW Student
Wisneski, Kirsten Research & Innovation, UNCW Faculty
Woods, Danielle English, UNCW Student
Woolridge, Christopher A.Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student
Wright, Jenny R.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Wright, Sarah R.English, UNCW Student
Wu, Annie William Madison Randall Library, UNCW Faculty
Wu, Diana Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Wu, Meng Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW Student
Wydick, James R.Business, UNCW Student
Wynn, Anna Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Student