Colin Barnes

  • Assistant Women's Soccer Coach
  • UNCW

There are 2 included publications by Colin Barnes :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
“From a Learning Perspective, It's a Better Way for Them to Learn”: Impact of an 6 Education Program on Two Youth Soccer Coaches’ Perspectives and Practices 2022 705 Purpose: To describe: (a) the impact of a progressive coach education program (CEP) on twograssroots youth soccer coaches’ perspectives and practices, and (b) the factors that helped andhindered the CEP’s effectiveness. Method: Occupational socializa...
“It’s Avoiding Getting Sued for Concussion for those Kids”: Pedagogical Responses 4 of Youth Soccer Coaches to New Guidelines on Heading 2023 696 Purpose: To describe nine youth soccer coaches’ pedagogical responses to the implementation of the new guidelines on heading introduced by the United States Soccer Federation. The specific research questions we attempted to answer were: (a) What were...