Cahoon, Lawrence


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The effects of beach renourishment on benthic microalgae 2009 2336 Coastal erosion threatens hundreds of miles of beach every year making beach renourishment in the southeastern United States essential to the economic health of coastal communities. Governments often fail to consider the possibility of ecological dam...
Phosphorus and carbohydrate limtation [i.e. limitation] of fecal coliform and fecal enterococcus within tidal creek sediments 2009 3646 Aquatic sediments have been shown to be a significant reservoir for fecal bacteria and at concentations two to three orders of magnitude higher than the waters directly above them. These bacteria represent a potentially serious health threat to hum...
The impacts of rainfall runoff on tidal creek algal and bacterial production 2009 2191 Field and mesocosm experiments were performed to examine the affects of different nutrient concentrations on production of bacteria and phytoplankton in three New Hanover County, North Carolina, tidal creeks of differing watershed impervious cover....
Interactions between oyster reefs and adjacent sandflats : effects on microphytobenthos and sediment characteristics 2009 2401 Oyster reef restoration is currently receiving increased attention as a means of enhancing water quality and fisheries. Oyster reefs not only directly provide habitat for fish and invertebrates, but also may indirectly affect adjacent sandflat areas...