Durako, Michael


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Ruppia maritima seed and Thalassia testudinum seedling responses to fluctuations in salinity and ammonium 2009 3085 Six species of seagrasses are present in Florida Bay ranging from stenohaline to euryhaline species. The dominant species, Thalassia testudinum Banks ex. König, has optimum growth around marine salinity. The second species examined in this study was ...
Megagametogenesis and nuclear DNA content estimation in Halophila (Hydrocaritaceae) 2009 3620 Megagametogenesis has been identified in the seagrass Halophila johnsonii, a species with no known seeds, using DAPI staining and manual sectioning methods. Developmental stages were documented and compared with megagametogenesis stages in Halophila ...
Distribution, photobiology, salinity tolerance and population structure of Siderastrea radians and its symbionts in Florida Bay, Florida USA 2009 2887 The distribution of Siderastrea radians (Pallas) Blainville and photophysiology of its symbiont in Florida Bay were determined during annual macrophyte surveys in spring 2006 and 2007. Siderastrea radians was present in five of the eleven sampled b...
Evaluating pulse-amplitude modulated fluorometry for landscape scale assessment of photosynthetic characteristics 2009 3021 Pulse-amplitude modulated fluorometry (PAM) was evaluated for monitoring the physiological condition of the seagrass, Thalassia testudinum, in Florida Bay. This approach is attractive because it is rapid, non-invasive, and offers quantitative physiol...
Changes in the distribution and density of Florida Bay macrophytes: 1995-2004 2009 2801 Benthic macrophyte cover and distribution data have been collected in ten basins within Florida Bay since 1995 as part of the Florida Bay Fisheries Habitat Assessment Program (FHAP). A weighted average for the most prevalent macrophytes during each s...