Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Generalized identity matching-to-sample in rats using olfactory stimuli |
2009 |
1072 |
The present study evaluated rats’ performances on an olfactory match-to-sample task. Four rats
were trained on an identity match-to-sample (MTS) procedure, with common household spices
mixed with sterilized play sand used as stimuli. Digging in a s... |
Aging and categorization: using generalized equivalence classes and their characteristics to compare older and younger adults |
2009 |
1334 |
Previous literature has done little to bring together accounts of stimulus equivalence, the transfer of function among stimulus classes, and age-related changes associated with the creation of stimulus classes. This experiment explores these ideas u... |
How does extraneous textbook material influence the reading comprehension of normal and impaired college students? |
2009 |
5890 |
Seductive details are interesting but irrelevant details added to a passage to make
it more interesting, and research indicates that such details impair learning and recall of
information. Seductive details have traditionally included illustrations... |
A competitive NMDA receptor antagonist potentiates the effects of morphine on spatial and discrimination learning |
2009 |
2028 |
NMDA antagonists have been shown to attenuate the development of tolerance to the antinociceptive effects of morphine, but paradoxically, to potentiate the acute effects of morphine in assays of antinociception. In an effort to characterize the effec... |
Olfactory matching-to-sample in rats using a novel apparatus |
2009 |
1844 |
The present study used a semi-automated device to test
olfactory matching-to-sample in rats. The apparatus was a
modified operant chamber with three nose ports that were covered
with three independently-operating guillotine doors. The center
door... |
A study of functional equivalence in rats using class-specific reinforcers and olfactory stimuli |
2009 |
1473 |
Functional equivalence has been demonstrated in some non-human animals using a
repeated reversal simple discrimination procedure. The current study addressed the issue of
stimulus equivalence in rats using a repeated reversals procedure with class-... |
Evaluating equivalence relations in rats using an olfactory matching-to-sample procedure |
2009 |
1373 |
Equivalence classes can be characterized as groups of stimuli which control
responding based on relations among members of the class, rather than absolute stimulus
features such as shape, size, or color. Formation of equivalence classes often inclu... |
Conditional discrimination acquisition in young children : are the facilitative of naming due to stimulus discrimination? |
2009 |
4835 |
These experiments investigate whether the facilitative effect of naming on the
acquisition of conditional discriminations in young children is due to enhancing
discrimination of the sample and comparison stimuli or whether naming serves additional
... |