Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Holding hands with Virginia Woolf: a map of Orlando's functional subversion |
2009 |
15748 |
As hard as we might try, Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Biography proves difficult
to peg: is the eponymous character a man or a woman? Is she thirty or three hundred
years old? And in terms of style, is the work a biography, a love letter, or a novel... |
"When I kissed her cheek" : theatrics of sexuality and the framed gaze in Esther's narration of Bleak House |
2009 |
4813 |
The purpose of this thesis is to explore a sexual subtext in Charles Dickens’s novel Bleak
House. In Esther’s narrative, dramatic vignettes expose female characters expressing the
simultaneous possibilities of innocent, intense friendship and lesbi... |
"His love is real, but he is not" : examination of reality in Spielberg's AI: artificial intelligence |
2009 |
12150 |
Steven Spielberg’s 2001 film AI: Artificial Intelligence, based on Brian Aldiss’ short
story “Supertoys Last All Summer Long,” deals with important issues of reality and how
artificial intelligence, known in the film as mechas, can have emotions an... |
A language of signs : obtaining power in Elizabeth Inchbald's A simple story |
2009 |
4563 |
Elizabeth Inchbald’s A Simple Story (1791) is a groundbreaking novel that makes a
complicated argument concerning feminine power and the possibility of undermining masculine
authority. Inchbald, a trained dramatist and actress, uses her knowledge o... |
"The prettiest little actress" : performance theory and Frances Burney's Evelina |
2009 |
8035 |
Due to the limited mobility of the young middle-class woman in the eighteenth century,
her identity was mainly the construction of the male who wielded control over her body. That
control within Evelina takes the form of financial support, social s... |
The masquerade and bisexuality in Margaret Atwood's The robber bride |
2009 |
4887 |
I continue the current discussion of identity construction through the theories of Luce
Irigaray, Hélène Cixous, and Catherine Clément. By focusing on Irigaray’s “masquerade of
femininity” and Cixous and Clément’s “bisexuality,” I analyze Margaret ... |
Alice K's adventures interroscribing simulandra: of performance through questions in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and The Trial |
2009 |
4433 |
This thesis is an exploration of the characters Alice in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures
in Wonderland and Josef K in Franz Kafka’s The Trial and the ways each is an uncertain “self”
in an uncertain “family.” The thesis performs according to Car... |
Finding a rhythm : how tribalism creates identity in Erdrich's The painted drum |
2009 |
12886 |
This thesis focuses on the connection between “tribalism” and identity, and then analyzes the connection in Louise Erdrich’s most recent work, The Painted Drum (2005). It examines Erdrich’s four primary characters and elaborates on the influence tr... |
Translating The Devil and his grandmother : an introduction to the life and work of Lou Andreas-Salomé |
2009 |
9813 |
This thesis offers an English translation of Lou Andreas-Salomé’s closet drama, The
Devil and His Grandmother, as well as an introduction to the woman and her work. The goal of
this project is to further the recognition of Salomé as an important fi... |