Clements, Caroline


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Psychological variables in battered women's stay/leave decisions : risk-taking perceived control, and optimistic bias 2009 7924 An experiment was conducted to assess the roles that risk-taking behavior, perceived control, optimistic bias, and intermittent relationship reinforcement play in determining the likelihood that a victim will return to or remain with her abuser. Su...
Self-blame, coping, perceived control and psychological symptoms in child sex offenders and batterers 2009 7938 Psychological variables associated with higher risk for abuse perpetration in known sex offenders and batterers include emotional status, impaired coping, low self-blame and low perceived control. Research suggests that these variables could contri...
Vulnerability to childhood depression : race and age differences 2009 2497 This study examined race and age differences in children’svulnerability to depression, negative life events, and negative attributional styles to explain these events.. The relationship between parent-child depression and explanatory styles was als...