Effectiveness of Common Household Cleaning Agents

UNCP Author/Contributor (non-UNCP co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Elliot Stewart (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP )
Web Site: http://www.uncp.edu/academics/library

Abstract: "This research was conducted in compliance with the Maynor Honors College senior project requirements. The research was conducted to answer the question of how effective various cleaning products are compared to each other, and how long each take to completely disinfect the area provided. The products used were Distilled war, Great Value cleaning vinegar, Great Value bleach solution, and Great Value disinfectant spray. The effectivity was tested by way of petri collection using sterile swabs and an incubator set at 37 degrees Celsius. From least effective to most effective the solutions rank: Distilled water, cleaning vinegar, disinfectant spray, bleach solution. The distilled water area became less disinfected the longer the water sat, but it did remove surface dirt. Cleaning vinegar completely disinfected the area at 30 minutes. Disinfectant spray completely disinfected the area at 15 minutes. This research shows that bleach is the best solution to use for short complete disinfection based on colonies of bacteria."

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2023

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