The Philosophy of Jesus: "Wisdom is Justified of All Her Children"

UNCP Author/Contributor (non-UNCP co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Anthony C. Hester (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP )
Web Site:

Abstract: Jesus Christ of Nazareth lived upon the face of our world almost 200 years ago. Throughout the Judean countryside, this unique personality lived, and walked, and proved Himself truly to be the Son of the Living God. Wherever He went, Jesus became the talk of the town. The common folk loved Him, the religionists of the day hated Him, Satan tempted Him, and eventually the Romans crucified Him. It was often been well stated of Jesus that, through His life, personality, and deeds, He has made more of a mark upon the pages of history than any other person who has ever lived. Many are the titles which men have given to this Jesus both during and since the time of His physical presence among the members of the human race. In His own time, He was called Master, Savior, Lord, Son of man, Son of God, Teacher, Prophet, Rabbi, the carpenter's son, and a host of other appellations including that of Beelzebub. Today, He is referred to in many, many ways ranging from "Son of God to Superstar," but can we say that Jesus was a philosopher?In dealing with the question of whether or not Jesus was a philosopher, we must begin by first understanding a few of the basic premises of philosophy.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 1980
Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Man, Savior, Religion, Philosopher,

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