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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Aaron McDuffie Moore Book Review2020Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Abortion: Is It Really a Moral Question?1975Hall, Nancy R. StudentReligion, UNCP
Academic Achievement: The Interaction between Personality and Mental Health2006Zimmermann, A. Michael StudentUniversity Honors College, UNCP
Accelerating Literacy: Lessons from Migrant Education Summer Travel Camp2017Nickolson, Claudia FacultyElementary Education , UNCP
Access Interviews: An Interview with Hayden Battle2006Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access Interviews: An Interview with Jane Mirandette2008Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access Interviews: An Interview with Karen Glover2011Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access Interviews: An Interview with Kimberly Burke Sweetman2006Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web – IM and SMS for the Circulation Desk2012Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Best Practices2009Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Best Practices2007Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Copyright on the Web2006Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Dealing with Problem Patrons2006Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Fire Plans2011Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Group Study and Meeting Room Policies and Procedures2008Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Library Renovations2006Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Mobile Apps for Librarians2013Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Online Library Videos2010Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: RFID and Libraries2005Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Staff Development2005Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Training Student Assistants2005Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Access the Web: Tumblr2014Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Across the Universe1972Lucas, Robert StudentHistory, UNCP
Action Research Utilizing Peer Tutoring in a Musicological Unit of Study with a Related Asse...2006Bloomer, Regina Denise Anderson StudentMusic Education, UNCP
Adding Departmental Libraries in a Shared ILS System2011Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Addressing Barriers to Effective RTI through School Counselor Consultation: A Social Justice...2015Warren, Jeffrey M.FacultySchool Administration and Counseling , UNCP
Addressing Barriers to Effective RTI through School Counselor Consultation: A Social Justice...2015Robinson, Gretchen G.FacultyDepartment of Educational Specialties, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Stargell, Nicole A.FacultyEducational Leadership and Counseling, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Hardy, Veronica FacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Woodside, Summer GaineyFacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Savage, Tamara EstesFacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Locklear, Cindy E. FacultySocial Work, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Chae, Ki FacultyEducational Leadership, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Jones, Shenika FacultyCounseling, UNCP
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens2019Akers, Whitney FacultyCounseling, UNCP
Adoption Issues: Changing Trends in Families, Laws, and Disclosure Policies1997Brown, Rebecca L. StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Advantages of Revealing a Criminal History in a Job Interview2017Charlton, Kelly FacultyPsychology, UNCP
Advantages of Revealing a Criminal History in a Job Interview2017Regan, Shilpa FacultyPsychology, UNCP
Affirming God as Panentheistic and Embodied2015Nikkel, David H.FacultyPhilosophy and Religion , UNCP
African American End Stage Renal Disease & Medication Adherence: What Are the Effects of Eve...2019Savage, Tamara EstesFacultySocial Work, UNCP
Agenda Setting: the Media’s Role in Abolishing the Death Penalty in New Jersey2010Schmidt, Tiffany StudentHonors College, Mass Communication, UNCP
Alabama in the Twentieth Century2006Frederick, Jeff FacultyCollege of Arts & Sciences, History, UNCP
Altered Internalization of Cis-Dichlorodiammine Platinum (II) Modified a2-Macroglobulin1995Harris, Janet StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
America, the Beautiful! America, the Diverse!2012Canida, Robert L.FacultyThe Office for Diversity and Inclusion, UNCP
America, A Proselytizing Society2005Dent, Eric FacultyManagement, Marketing, and International Business, UNCP
An Analysis and Percussive Arts Demonstration of Developmental Stages in Improvisation with ...2005Morrow, Gerald E. StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
An Analysis of the Causes Behind the Business Combination Frenzy, 1979-19861986Lipton, Jerome T. StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
An Analysis of the Economic Effects of the Divestiture of American Telephone and Telegraph i...1984Beard, Janet Elizabeth StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
An Analysis of Employment at Will and Its Effect on the Discharge Policies of Industries in ...1984Campbell, Renee Lee StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
An Analysis of the Expression of Mutations in Escherichia coli (E.coli)1995Spillers, Samuel Franklin StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Analysis of Frog Calling Patterns in and adjacent to the Lumber River2015Ebaugh, Lindsey C.StudentHonors College, Biology Department, UNCP
An Analysis of Students' Perceptions of Electronic Note Taking2015Davis, Anthony StudentHonors College, Math and Computer Science Dept, UNCP
Anne Moody (1940-)2006Canada, Mark FacultyProfessor, English,Theatre & Foreign Languages, UNCP
Ant Communities Are Structured by Patch and Landscape Level Factors2017Campbell, Kaitlin FacultyBiology, UNCP
Ant Species Assembly in Constructed Grasslands2017Campbell, Kaitlin FacultyBiology, UNCP
Anthropology: The Incurable Disease1990Locklear, Hayes AlanStudentChancellor's Scholars - American Indian Studies, UNCP
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty: An Objective Analysis of the Treaty and Its Importance In...2002Caldwell, Machella Nydia StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
Antietam: A Failure To Achieve Victory2006Martin, Thomas JordanStudentHonors College - History, UNCP
Antimicrobial Properties of Diospyros virginiana Against Human Dwelling Bacteria2018Brown, Amelia StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP
Antimicrobial Properties of Native American Herbal Tea: Hypericum hypericoides2019Lee, Cheyenne StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Anung’s Journey: An Ancient Ojibway Legend as Told by Steve Fobister.2015Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Application of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Tools to Identify Putative Transcription Fac...2009Kang, Zhixin "Richard" FacultySchool of Business,Economics and Decision Sciences, UNCP
The Application of Portfolios as a Method of Assessment at the Undergraduate and Graduate Le...2005Atkinson, Jason Brian StudentMusic Education, UNCP
Applying Career Construction Theory to Female National Collegiate Athletic Association Divis...2018Siegele, Jessica FacultyHealth and Human Performance, UNCP
Approaching Creativity Outside the Lines2017Rokes, Carla FacultyArt, UNCP
Archetypal Criticism: One Road to Understanding1972Strickland, June StudentEnglish, UNCP
Archie Ammons Book Review2020Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital R...2013Bahhouth, Victor FacultyEconomics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP
Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital R...2013Gonzalez, Rebecca FacultyEconomics, Finance, and Decision Sciences, UNCP
Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital R...2013Thomas, William "Stewart"FacultyAccounting and Information Technology , UNCP
Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure?2013Bahhouth, Victor FacultyEconomics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP
Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure?2013Ziemnowicz, Christopher FacultyManagement, Marketing and International Business, UNCP
Are Students Driven by Negative or Positive Perception about Sales Profession in France? 2014Bahhouth, Victor FacultyEconomics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP
Are Students Driven by Negative or Positive Perception about Sales Profession in France? 2014Spillan, John E. "Jack"FacultyManagement, Marketing and International Business , UNCP
Are You Smarter Than a Dinosaur?2009Farley, Martin FacultyGeology and Geography, UNCP
Ars Totum Requirit Hominem: A Study and Thinking in Phantasy Fiction1981Kober, Heiderose FacultyPsychology, UNCP
Art as Empowerment: Art Students Meet After School Students2019Lifschitz-Grant, Naomi FacultyArt, UNCP
An Art Museum's Role in Professional Art Teacher Staff Development2002Horn, Michele R. StudentArt, UNCP
Art of the New Deal: Influence of New Deal Art Programs on Art in North Carolina2002Tinsley, Lora Sue StudentArt Education, UNCP
Art, Allegory and Geographic Education: Cultural and Meteorological Lessons from the Sky Dei...2019Edgell, Dennis J. FacultyGeology & Geography, UNCP
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security2022Collins, Kellen StudentMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security2022Mohanarajah, Selvarajah StudentMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security2022Collins, Kellen StudentMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Aß42-mediated proteasome inhibition and associated tau pathology in hippocampus are governed...2017Bahr, Ben FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
Aß42-mediated proteasome inhibition and associated tau pathology in hippocampus are governed...2017Farizatto, Karen FacultyBiotechnology Research and Training Center, UNCP
Aß42-mediated proteasome inhibition and associated tau pathology in hippocampus are governed...2017Fernandes de Almeida, Michael FacultyBiotechnology Research and Training Center, UNCP
Assessing the strategic relevance of organisational capabilities: evidence from Turkish hote...2013Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Assessing Theory and Practice in Competitive Strategy: Challenges and Future Directions2008Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
An Assessment Model for the Visual Arts2002Viles, Amy Pow StudentArt, UNCP
At the Water Cooler: The Effect of Gender and Innuendo on Workplace Interactions2016LaBeau, Melanie StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Psychology , UNCP
Athletic Connections: An Athletic Learning Outreach Program2016Slavin, Jack M. StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Business Admin., UNCP
Authoritarianism: Validation of the Balanced F scale through Observer Ratings1982Locklear, Ervin StudentChancellor's Scholars - Psychology, UNCP
Automation: Agent of Radio Change1979Stone, Cassandra Lynn FacultyCommunicative Arts, UNCP