Aaron McDuffie Moore Book Review | 2020 | Young, David | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Abortion: Is It Really a Moral Question? | 1975 | Hall, Nancy R. | Student | Religion, UNCP |
Academic Achievement: The Interaction between Personality and Mental Health | 2006 | Zimmermann, A. Michael | Student | University Honors College, UNCP |
Accelerating Literacy: Lessons from Migrant Education Summer Travel Camp | 2017 | Nickolson, Claudia | Faculty | Elementary Education , UNCP |
Access Interviews: An Interview with Hayden Battle | 2006 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access Interviews: An Interview with Jane Mirandette | 2008 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access Interviews: An Interview with Karen Glover | 2011 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access Interviews: An Interview with Kimberly Burke Sweetman | 2006 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web – IM and SMS for the Circulation Desk | 2012 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Best Practices | 2009 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Best Practices | 2007 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Copyright on the Web | 2006 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Dealing with Problem Patrons | 2006 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Fire Plans | 2011 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Group Study and Meeting Room Policies and Procedures | 2008 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Library Renovations | 2006 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Mobile Apps for Librarians | 2013 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Online Library Videos | 2010 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: RFID and Libraries | 2005 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Staff Development | 2005 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Training Student Assistants | 2005 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Access the Web: Tumblr | 2014 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Across the Universe | 1972 | Lucas, Robert | Student | History, UNCP |
Action Research Utilizing Peer Tutoring in a Musicological Unit of Study with a Related Asse... | 2006 | Bloomer, Regina Denise Anderson | Student | Music Education, UNCP |
Adding Departmental Libraries in a Shared ILS System | 2011 | Power, June LaVoie | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Addressing Barriers to Effective RTI through School Counselor Consultation: A Social Justice... | 2015 | Warren, Jeffrey M. | Faculty | School Administration and Counseling , UNCP |
Addressing Barriers to Effective RTI through School Counselor Consultation: A Social Justice... | 2015 | Robinson, Gretchen G. | Faculty | Department of Educational Specialties, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Stargell, Nicole A. | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Counseling, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Hardy, Veronica | Faculty | Social Work, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Woodside, Summer Gainey | Faculty | Social Work, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Savage, Tamara Estes | Faculty | Social Work, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Locklear, Cindy E. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Chae, Ki | Faculty | Educational Leadership, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Jones, Shenika | Faculty | Counseling, UNCP |
Addressing School Safety through a Student Support Lens | 2019 | Akers, Whitney | Faculty | Counseling, UNCP |
Adoption Issues: Changing Trends in Families, Laws, and Disclosure Policies | 1997 | Brown, Rebecca L. | Student | Chancellor's Scholars, UNCP |
Advantages of Revealing a Criminal History in a Job Interview | 2017 | Charlton, Kelly | Faculty | Psychology, UNCP |
Advantages of Revealing a Criminal History in a Job Interview | 2017 | Regan, Shilpa | Faculty | Psychology, UNCP |
Affirming God as Panentheistic and Embodied | 2015 | Nikkel, David H. | Faculty | Philosophy and Religion , UNCP |
African American End Stage Renal Disease & Medication Adherence: What Are the Effects of Eve... | 2019 | Savage, Tamara Estes | Faculty | Social Work, UNCP |
Agenda Setting: the Media’s Role in Abolishing the Death Penalty in New Jersey | 2010 | Schmidt, Tiffany | Student | Honors College, Mass Communication, UNCP |
Alabama in the Twentieth Century | 2006 | Frederick, Jeff | Faculty | College of Arts & Sciences, History, UNCP |
Altered Internalization of Cis-Dichlorodiammine Platinum (II) Modified a2-Macroglobulin | 1995 | Harris, Janet | Student | Chancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP |
America, the Beautiful! America, the Diverse! | 2012 | Canida, Robert L. | Faculty | The Office for Diversity and Inclusion, UNCP |
America, A Proselytizing Society | 2005 | Dent, Eric | Faculty | Management, Marketing, and International Business, UNCP |
An Analysis and Percussive Arts Demonstration of Developmental Stages in Improvisation with ... | 2005 | Morrow, Gerald E. | Student | Chancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP |
An Analysis of the Causes Behind the Business Combination Frenzy, 1979-1986 | 1986 | Lipton, Jerome T. | Student | Chancellor's Scholars, UNCP |
An Analysis of the Economic Effects of the Divestiture of American Telephone and Telegraph i... | 1984 | Beard, Janet Elizabeth | Student | Chancellor's Scholars, UNCP |
An Analysis of Employment at Will and Its Effect on the Discharge Policies of Industries in ... | 1984 | Campbell, Renee Lee | Student | Chancellor's Scholars, UNCP |
An Analysis of the Expression of Mutations in Escherichia coli (E.coli) | 1995 | Spillers, Samuel Franklin | Student | Chancellor's Scholars, UNCP |
Analysis of Frog Calling Patterns in and adjacent to the Lumber River | 2015 | Ebaugh, Lindsey C. | Student | Honors College, Biology Department, UNCP |
An Analysis of Students' Perceptions of Electronic Note Taking | 2015 | Davis, Anthony | Student | Honors College, Math and Computer Science Dept, UNCP |
Anne Moody (1940-) | 2006 | Canada, Mark | Faculty | Professor, English,Theatre & Foreign Languages, UNCP |
Ant Communities Are Structured by Patch and Landscape Level Factors | 2017 | Campbell, Kaitlin | Faculty | Biology, UNCP |
Ant Species Assembly in Constructed Grasslands | 2017 | Campbell, Kaitlin | Faculty | Biology, UNCP |
Anthropology: The Incurable Disease | 1990 | Locklear, Hayes Alan | Student | Chancellor's Scholars - American Indian Studies, UNCP |
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty: An Objective Analysis of the Treaty and Its Importance In... | 2002 | Caldwell, Machella Nydia | Student | Chancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP |
Antietam: A Failure To Achieve Victory | 2006 | Martin, Thomas Jordan | Student | Honors College - History, UNCP |
Antimicrobial Properties of Diospyros virginiana Against Human Dwelling Bacteria | 2018 | Brown, Amelia | Student | Esther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP |
Antimicrobial Properties of Native American Herbal Tea: Hypericum hypericoides | 2019 | Lee, Cheyenne | Student | Esther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP |
Anung’s Journey: An Ancient Ojibway Legend as Told by Steve Fobister. | 2015 | Young, David | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Application of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Tools to Identify Putative Transcription Fac... | 2009 | Kang, Zhixin "Richard" | Faculty | School of Business,Economics and Decision Sciences, UNCP |
The Application of Portfolios as a Method of Assessment at the Undergraduate and Graduate Le... | 2005 | Atkinson, Jason Brian | Student | Music Education, UNCP |
Applying Career Construction Theory to Female National Collegiate Athletic Association Divis... | 2018 | Siegele, Jessica | Faculty | Health and Human Performance, UNCP |
Approaching Creativity Outside the Lines | 2017 | Rokes, Carla | Faculty | Art, UNCP |
Archetypal Criticism: One Road to Understanding | 1972 | Strickland, June | Student | English, UNCP |
Archie Ammons Book Review | 2020 | Young, David | Faculty | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP |
Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital R... | 2013 | Bahhouth, Victor | Faculty | Economics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP |
Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital R... | 2013 | Gonzalez, Rebecca | Faculty | Economics, Finance, and Decision Sciences, UNCP |
Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital R... | 2013 | Thomas, William "Stewart" | Faculty | Accounting and Information Technology , UNCP |
Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure? | 2013 | Bahhouth, Victor | Faculty | Economics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP |
Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure? | 2013 | Ziemnowicz, Christopher | Faculty | Management, Marketing and International Business, UNCP |
Are Students Driven by Negative or Positive Perception about Sales Profession in France? | 2014 | Bahhouth, Victor | Faculty | Economics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP |
Are Students Driven by Negative or Positive Perception about Sales Profession in France? | 2014 | Spillan, John E. "Jack" | Faculty | Management, Marketing and International Business , UNCP |
Are You Smarter Than a Dinosaur? | 2009 | Farley, Martin | Faculty | Geology and Geography, UNCP |
Ars Totum Requirit Hominem: A Study and Thinking in Phantasy Fiction | 1981 | Kober, Heiderose | Faculty | Psychology, UNCP |
Art as Empowerment: Art Students Meet After School Students | 2019 | Lifschitz-Grant, Naomi | Faculty | Art, UNCP |
An Art Museum's Role in Professional Art Teacher Staff Development | 2002 | Horn, Michele R. | Student | Art, UNCP |
Art of the New Deal: Influence of New Deal Art Programs on Art in North Carolina | 2002 | Tinsley, Lora Sue | Student | Art Education, UNCP |
Art, Allegory and Geographic Education: Cultural and Meteorological Lessons from the Sky Dei... | 2019 | Edgell, Dennis J. | Faculty | Geology & Geography, UNCP |
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security | 2022 | Collins, Kellen | Student | Mathematics and Computer Science, UNCP |
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security | 2022 | Mohanarajah, Selvarajah | Student | Mathematics and Computer Science, UNCP |
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security | 2022 | Collins, Kellen | Student | Mathematics and Computer Science, UNCP |
Aß42-mediated proteasome inhibition and associated tau pathology in hippocampus are governed... | 2017 | Bahr, Ben | Faculty | Chemistry and Physics , UNCP |
Aß42-mediated proteasome inhibition and associated tau pathology in hippocampus are governed... | 2017 | Farizatto, Karen | Faculty | Biotechnology Research and Training Center, UNCP |
Aß42-mediated proteasome inhibition and associated tau pathology in hippocampus are governed... | 2017 | Fernandes de Almeida, Michael | Faculty | Biotechnology Research and Training Center, UNCP |
Assessing the strategic relevance of organisational capabilities: evidence from Turkish hote... | 2013 | Parnell, John | Faculty | Management, Marketing & International Business, UNCP |
Assessing Theory and Practice in Competitive Strategy: Challenges and Future Directions | 2008 | Parnell, John | Faculty | Management, Marketing & International Business, UNCP |
An Assessment Model for the Visual Arts | 2002 | Viles, Amy Pow | Student | Art, UNCP |
At the Water Cooler: The Effect of Gender and Innuendo on Workplace Interactions | 2016 | LaBeau, Melanie | Student | Esther G. Maynor Honors College, Psychology , UNCP |
Athletic Connections: An Athletic Learning Outreach Program | 2016 | Slavin, Jack M. | Student | Esther G. Maynor Honors College, Business Admin., UNCP |
Authoritarianism: Validation of the Balanced F scale through Observer Ratings | 1982 | Locklear, Ervin | Student | Chancellor's Scholars - Psychology, UNCP |
Automation: Agent of Radio Change | 1979 | Stone, Cassandra Lynn | Faculty | Communicative Arts, UNCP |