Christine E. Murray

**Education: PhD, Counselor Education, University of Florida--EdS, Marriage and Family Counseling, University of Florida--MEd, Marriage and Family Counseling, University of Florida--BA, Sociology and Psychology, Duke University **Research Interests (selected): The links between research and practice in domestic violence prevention and intervention--The role of resources in couple relationships--Premarital counseling--Preventive interventions in couple and family counseling

There are 66 included publications by Christine E. Murray :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Addressing the needs of adult children of divorce in premarital counseling 2009 4765 Because of high divorce rates during the past several decades, a significant number of clients seeking premarital counseling are entering marriage in the context of having experienced parental divorce. Existing research indicates that adult children ...
Analysis of Variance in Fibromyalgia Symptom Severity Related to Demographic Variables 2005 1699 Objectives: The purpose of this study was to attempt to identify demographic risk factors for increased symptom severity among patients with fibromyalgia syndrome [FMS].Methods: This study involved a cross-sectional Internet-based survey of adults di...
A community considers a Family Justice Center: perspectives of stakeholders during the early phases of development 2014 3117 Purpose– Family Justice Centers, or “one-stop shops” that enable domestic violence victims to access a range of services at one location, are becoming increasingly common. However, there is a limited body of research examining the outcomes and planni...
Controversy, Constraints, and Context: Understanding Family Violence Through Family Systems Theory 2006 26469 This article discusses the controversies surrounding the use of family systems theory as a framework for understanding family violence. The author examines potential implications for the exclusion of family systems approaches in the research and trea...
The Coping Window: A Contextual Understanding of the Methods Women Use to Cope With Battering 2010 3530 This study aimed to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the coping strategies used by women who are battered, drawing from the existing literature and qualitative interviews with 10 women seeking services in shelters for women who have b...
The costs of recovery: Intimate partner violence survivors’ experiences of financial recovery from abuse 2017 539 The present study relies on the voices of survivors of past abuse to describe the amount, type, and impact of costs related to their experience of intimate partner violence (IPV). We use a content analysis methodology to present common themes that su...
Counseling advocacy competencies in action: Lessons learned through the See the Triumph campaign 2016 2117 With the growing emphasis on social justice in the counseling and psychology professions, mental health professionals are increasingly called upon to engage in advocacy work. In this article, the authors describe their advocacy campaign, See the Triu...
Counselors' Attributions of Blame Toward Female Survivors of Battering 2017 913 Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a social problem that affects roughly 5.3 million women in the U.S. each year, accounts for 1,300 deaths, and often results in a number of physical and mental health consequences. Many women seek counseling as a way...
The Couple’s Resource Scales: A measure for research on resources in couple relationships. 2013 3463 Couples therapy has experienced a shift in therapeutic approaches from those that focus on dysfunction and deficits to postmodern approaches that emphasize clients’ strengths and skills. Additionally, researchers have found that resources, such as se...
Couples Therapy: Integrating Theory and Technique [book review] 2006 1962 In their introduction, the editors state that the aims of this book are “to give voice to and provide space for couples whose relationships have all too often been silenced or over-looked” and to “provide a space to focus on these [racial] difference...
Dating Violence Among College Students: Key Issues for College Counselors 2007 8218 The authors present a review of literature examining dating violence among college students. They describe 6 key issues related to dating violence among college students that affect college counselors' work. These key issues relate to the incidence a...
Dating Violence and Self-Injury Among Undergraduate College Sntdents: Attitudes and Experiences 2008 1894 An Internet-based survey about dating violence and self-injury was completed by 1,777 undergraduates. A regression analysis tested if recent dating violence victimization and perpetration experiences predicted whether participants self-injured in the...
Development of the Couples Resource Map Scales 2007 9741 This article describes the initial phases of development of the Couples Resource Map Scales (CRMS). These scales are designed to assess the degree of support couples receive from various personal, relationship, and contextual resources. The first pha...
Differentiation of Self, Perceived Stress, and Symptom Severity Among Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome 2006 8216 This article presents an empirical examination of the usefulness of Bowen family systems theory as a framework for understanding fibromyalgia syndrome. This cross-sectional Internet-based survey included 201 participants diagnosed with fibromyalgia s...
Diffusion of Innovation Theory: A Bridge for the Research–Practice Gap in Counseling 2009 21181 This article presents a diffusion of innovation theory–based framework for addressing the gap between research and practice in the counseling profession. The author describes the nature of the research–practice gap and presents an overview of diffu...
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Needs and Perceptions of Technology: A Qualitative Study 2015 3520 There is growing recognition of the need to better understand the intersections between the work of domestic violence service providers and technology. Professionals who work with clients impacted by domestic violence are increasingly using technolog...
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Perceptions of Safety Planning: a Focus Group Study 2015 9314 Although safety planning is a widespread practice with clients impacted by domestic violence, the research on it is limited. In this article, we present a review of existing literature describing practices and research in order to understand the gaps...
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Technology Readiness and Information Needs 2015 3711 Technology-based applications hold promise as effective, efficient means of disseminating research- and practice-based information to professionals whose work relates to domestic violence. Other related uses of technology in the field have grown, inc...
Domestic Violence Training Experiences and Needs Among Mental Health Professionals: Implications From a Statewide Survey 2016 2481 There is growing recognition of the interconnections between domestic violence and mental health, especially related to mental health concerns among those who have experienced domestic violence victimization. Despite high rates of mental health conce...
Empirical Research About Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence: A Methodological Review 2009 4337 This article presents a systematic review of empirical research examining intimate partner violence among same-sex couples. Seventeen studies that met the inclusion criteria were rated using a 15-item evaluation questionnaire. The results indicated t...
Exploring correlates of probably traumatic brain injury among intimate partner violence survivor 2019 294 Although intimate partner violence (IPV) related (TBI) is increasingly recognized as an important area of concern, there is no existing research that seeks to identify correlates of IPV related TBI. Given the profound consequences of TBI, it is impor...
The Family Pharm: An Ethical Consideration of Psychopharmacology in Couple and Family Counseling 2007 8597 This article presents an overview of ethical issues surrounding psychopharmacology as it applies to the field of couple and family counseling. The authors ground their discussion of these issues in the ethical codes of the American Counseling Associa...
How can we end the stigma surrounding domestic and sexual violence? A modified Delphi study with national advocacy leaders 2015 6557 The purpose of this study was to use a modified Delphi methodology study to identify priority actions that can be taken at the individual, local, and national levels to eliminate the stigma surrounding domestic and sexual violence. An expert panel of...
The intersection of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: A call for interdisciplinary research 2017 2102 An emerging body of research suggests that survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) are at a high risk for sustaining traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, most scholars and practitioners working on the problem of IPV have not examined how TBI c...
The Intimate Partner Violence Stigma Scale: Initial Development and Validation 2019 2027 The stigma associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major challenge facing those in abusive and violent intimate relationships. This study explored the initial development and validation of the Intimate Partner Violence Stigma Scale, desi...
Learning from experience: A content analysis of domestic violence fatality review team reports 2015 477 The mounting cost of domestic violence (DV) homicide in the United States has led to increased attention from law enforcement agencies and social organizations and the establishment of domestic violence fatality review boards or teams (DVFRTs) throug...
Linking research and practice to address domestic and sexual violence: Lessons learned from a statewide conference with researchers and practitioners 2015 1849 Purpose - There is a growing emphasis on the need to integrate research and practice in the fields of domestic and sexual violence. However, additional research is needed to identify strategies for key stakeholders to use to bridge research and pract...
Measuring the Impact of Technology on Couple Relationships: The Development of the Technology and Intimate Relationship Assessment 2015 13379 The goal of this study was to develop an instrument to operationalize the impact of technology use on romantic relationship intimacy. The sample consisted of 241 undergraduate and graduate students who identified as being in a committed, monogamous i...
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor education program 2011 3672 Approaches to mentoring junior faculty in counselor education departments have received minimal attention in the counseling literature. In this article, the authors describe a successful program based on the 10 principles for good mentoring recommend...
Messages to New Survivors by Longer-Term Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence 2019 455 Long-term survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) are in a unique position to offer guidance and support to new survivors in a way that not only reflects their own experiences, but also the learned experience. The purpose of the present study wa...
Methodological Review of Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Research 2007 5966 The authors present a methodological review of empirical program evaluation research in the area of intimate partner violence prevention. The authors adapted and utilized criterion-based rating forms to standardize the evaluation of the methodologica...
Overcoming abuse: A phenomenological investigation of the journey to recovery from past intimate partner violence 2015 3702 To date, minimal research has focused on the recovery process for survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). This study utilized a phenomenological methodology to understand the lived experiences of survivors of IPV (N = 123) who had overcome abus...
Perceptions of research and practice among domestic violence researchers 2009 2623 This article presents the results of a study involving 261 domestic violence researchers representing a variety of professional disciplines. The purpose of this study was to identify researchers? perceptions of the connections between research and pr...
Personal, Relational, and Contextual Resources and Relationship Satisfaction in Same-Sex Couples 2010 1092 Despite previous research findings that suggest that same-sex couples often experience unique stressors within their relationships, other findings indicate that same-sex couples demonstrate similar levels of relationship satisfaction as compared with...
The Pleasures and Perils of Technology in Intimate Relationships 2016 11228 Technologies have rapidly become pervasive parts of people's lives and relationships. Within intimate couple relationships, partners may use technologies for many functions, including communicating, sharing affection, planning, and learning about one...
Practice Update: What Professionals Who Are Not Brain Injury Specialists Need to Know About Intimate Partner Violence–Related Traumatic Brain Injury 2016 1163 There is growing recognition of the risk for traumatic brain injury (TBI) among victims and survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). A wide range of physically abusive behaviors may lead to injuries to the head or neck and place an individual at...
Preliminary Construction of a Service Provider—Informed Domestic Violence Research Agenda 2010 1831 This article presents the results of a statewide survey of domestic violence (DV) service providers that focused on the needs, background characteristics, and opinions of service providers related to research. The survey included an examination of se...
Prevention Work: A Professional Responsibility for Marriage and Family Counselors 2005 6862 Although ethical codes encourage marriage and family counselors to undertake prevention work, many practitioners do not include prevention within the scope of their practice. Prevention work includes a number of professional functions that address mu...
Professional Responses to Government-Endorsed Premarital Counseling 2006 4664 This paper presents preliminary findings about the manner in which public policies that promote premarital counseling impact professionals who conduct premarital counseling. The purpose of this paper is to describe findings from a survey of premarita...
Promoting counseling students' advocacy competencies through service-learning: An action research evaluation. 2010 4469 This article describes an action research evaluation of a service-learning advocacy project implemented in doctoral-level and masters-level classes in a CACREP-accredited counseling program. The project involved students working together (a) to devel...
Promoting healthy relationships and families: An exploratory study of the perceptions of resources and information and skill needs among couples, single adults, and parents 2019 2319 As there is growing awareness of the importance of healthy relationships among helping professionals and the general population, there is a need to gain a greater understanding of the types of supportive resources and services that can help people bu...
Provider perceptions of safety planning with children impacted by intimate partner violence 2014 840 Safety planning is a widespread intervention used with clients who have experienced domestic violence victimization. Although children are impacted by domestic violence, attention to the unique needs of children as they relate to domestic violence sa...
A Quantitative Exploratory Evaluation of the Circle of Security-Parenting Program with Mothers in Residential Substance-Abuse Treatment 2015 2599 Maternal substance abuse is a risk factor for child maltreatment, child attachment insecurity, and maladaptive social information processing. The aim of this study was to conduct a quantitative exploratory evaluation of the effectiveness of an attach...
Reconsidering the term "marriage" in Marriage and Family Therapy 2009 5590 This article presents a consideration of whether the term marriage in the title of the marriage and family therapy (MFT) profession continues to reflect the work that MFT professionals do. The authors describe relevant historical and professional ide...
The Relative Influence of Client Characteristics on the Process and Outcomes of Premarital Counseling: A Survey of Providers. 2004 4149 To explore the influence of client characteristics in premarital counseling, a five factor model is presented that includes the social context, family-of-origin influences, individual characteristics, couple interactional processes, and motivation fo...
Risk for Traumatic Brain Injury in Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence 2016 1041 Research Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assist in identifying risk factors for traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a population of individuals who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV).
Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence: Dynamics, Social Context, and Counseling Implications 2007 19735 This article presents a review of literature describing intimate partner violence (IPV) in same-sex relationships. The authors present definitions and the prevalence of the main forms of violence—physical, sexual, and emotional—that can occur within ...
See the Triumph Healing Arts Workshops for survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault 2017 2523 Existing research demonstrates the potential value of arts-based interventions for survivors of abuse and other forms of trauma. The See the Triumph Healing Arts Workshops were designed to provide survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual ass...
See the Triumph Survivor Advocacy Training Program: Equipping survivors of abuse to engage in social justice advocacy 2017 1101 Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) continues to represent a critical public health issue that affects individuals across the globe, irrespective of race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. As a result, individual and communit...
Solution-focused premarital counseling: Helping couples build a vision for their marriage 2004 26066 This article outlines a solution-focused approach to premarital counseling. Solution-focused premarital counseling is a strength-based approach that focuses on a couple's resources to develop a shared vision for the marriage, Background information a...
Solutions to the Research-Practice Gap in Domestic Violence: A Modified Delphi Study With Domestic Violence Coalition Leaders 2010 3602 The gap between research and practice in domestic violence (DV) has the potential to hinder advancements in both areas. This study used modified Delphi methodology to seek potential solutions for integrating DV research and practice. Expert panel mem...
Sources and components of stigma experienced by survivors of intimate partner violence 2015 2608 Previous research suggests that survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) experience stigma, which may affect their willingness to seek help and their recovery process following the end of the abusive relationship. This article presents the Integr...
Stigma from professional helpers toward survivors of intimate partner violence 2015 2763 The authors explored experiences of stigma from professional helpers toward survivors of intimate partner violence in two related studies with a combined sample of 231 participants. Qualitative interview and quantitative survey data were analyzed wit...
The stigma surrounding intimate partner violence: A cluster analysis study 2015 3965 Existing research suggests that a significant stigma surrounds intimate partner violence, and this stigma can make it difficult for survivors to receive help. This article presents the results of a research study that used hierarchical cluster analys...
Strengthening community-level understanding of and responses to intimate partner violence using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 2016 1254 Purpose – Recently, there has been increased attention to community- and neighborhood-level influences on rates and experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV). The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of geographic information systems (GI...
Strengths, Challenges, and Relational Processes in Families of Children With Congenital Upper Limb Differences 2007 5341 Congenital upper limb differences are physical health conditions in which an individual is born with abnormalities of the upper limbs (i.e., arms, hands, and/or fingers). This article presents a qualitative study about the unique strengths, challenge...
Stress and family relationship functioning as indicators of the severity of fibromyalgia symptoms: a regression analysis 2006 2082 This article presents the results of a secondary analysis of data collected from a cross-sectional survey of 201 individuals with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). This study examines the influence of stress and family relationship functioning (differenti...
Survivors of intimate partner violence as advocates for social change 2015 1091 Intimate partner violence is a major public health issue that presents numerous potential challenges and negative consequences for survivors. The external barriers and systemic oppression that contribute to these challenges and consequences are poten...
Teaching Family Systems Theory Through Service-Learning 2006 3474 The authors present a rationale for incorporating service-learning projects into courses that teach family systems theory. A model program is presented to provide an example of the objectives, practical considerations, and student responses to such a...
Through the Eyes of a Survivor: Implementation and pilot evaluation of a photovoice-based support group for female survivors of family-based interpersonal violence. 2012 3257 The article discusses a pilot study which aimed to examine the effectiveness of a photovoice-based methodology to elicit experiences and provide support to women survivors of family-based interpersonal violence. It defines photovoice as a technique o...
Turkish mental health professionals’ experiences and perspectives toward family and sexual violence 2017 1164 The aim of this study was to learn about Turkish mental health professionals' professional experiences, perspectives, and training needs related to family and sexual violence. An additional goal of this study was to identify important areas in which ...
Turning Points: Critical Incidents Prompting Survivors to Begin the Process of Terminating Abusive Relationships 2015 1516 The decision whether to leave an abusive relationship is very complex for victims. A small but growing body of research demonstrates the importance of turning points in these decisions. Situated within the theoretical framework of the Transtheoretica...
Understanding and Addressing Teen Dating Violence: Implications for Family Counselors 2016 1845 Teen dating violence is a significant public health and social justice issue. However, family counselors may lack training in the knowledge and skills needed to provide safe, competent services to clients impacted by teen dating violence and other fo...
Validation of the Couples Resource Map Scales 2009 3275 This article describes an examination of the concurrent and criterion-related validity of the Couples Resource Map Scales (CRMS), a 63-item assessment instrument designed to assess the levels of support available to couples from various personal, rel...
Which Topics are Important to Address in Premarital Counseling? A Survey of Clergy 2006 51130 Pastoral counselors who provide premarital counseling must address the topics that are most relevant to couples as they prepare for marriage. This article presents the results of a survey of clergy who provide premarital counseling, demonstrating the...
Women's Leadership Network 2009 1578 The Women’s Leadership Network for Safe and Healthy Relationships (hereafter referred to as the Women’s Leadership Network) is an innovative approach to community-based domestic violence resistance programming that infuses best practices in the area ...