Browse Author By Last Name - S

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There are 18 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Shakil, Hamda Literature, UNCA Faculty
Suskauer, Adrian History, UNCA N/A
Sowder, Hugo History, UNCA N/A
St. Angelo, Luke History, UNCA Student
Smith, Alex Literature, UNCA Student
Schermerhorn, Margaret GraceLiterature, UNCA Student
Skipper, Samantha Literature, UNCA Student
Schoenthaler, Madeleine Literature, UNCA Student
Sommers, Amily Literature, UNCA Student
Soto, Alejandro Literature, UNCA Student
Schlanger, Dana Literature, UNCA Student
Sibley, Melissa Literature, UNCA Student
Schoenberg, Benjamin History, UNCA Student
Smith, Thomas English, UNCA Student
Stephens, Abigail History, UNCA Student
Schweitz, Carolyn Literature, UNCA Student
Scannell, Zach English, UNCA Student
Stevens, Andrew Literature, Creative Writing, UNCA Student