Taylor, Laurel


There are 2 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Goddess of the Garden: Evidence of Everyday Life and Worship in the Gardens of Pompeii 2014 3609 Gardens were an integral part of daily living in Pompeii before the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE. Scholars have discovered that family meals and household production were a regular part of the garden experience. While much academic work has been dev...
Investigating the Relationship Between Spiritual and Artisanal Practices in Etruria: The Case of Cetamura del Chianti 2014 961 Archaeological evidence from the Late Etruscan (3rd-1st centuries BCE) site Cetamura del Chianti illustrates the intersection between the spheres of the religious and the mundane for the Etruscans. This site is unusual among known Etruscan settlement...