Vertical Profiles Of Methanogenesis And Methanogens In Two Contrasting Acidic Peatlands In Central New York State, USA
- ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Suzanna Brauer Ph.D., Associate Professor (Creator)
- Institution
- Appalachian State University (ASU )
- Web Site:
Abstract: Northern acidic peatlands are important sources ofatmospheric methane, yet the methanogens in themare poorly characterized. We examined methanogenicactivities and methanogen populations at differentdepths in two peatlands, McLean bog (MB) and Chicagobog (CB). Both have acidic (pH 3.5–4.5) peatsoils, but the pH of the deeper layers of CB is nearneutral,reflecting its previous existence as a neutralpHfen. Acetotrophic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesiscould be stimulated in upper samples fromboth bogs, and phylotypes of methanogens using H2/CO2 (Methanomicrobiales) or acetate (Methanosarcinales) were identified in 16S rRNA gene clone librariesand by terminal restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism (T-RFLP) analyses using a novelprimer/restriction enzyme set that we developed. Particularlydominant in the upper layers was a clade intheMethanomicrobiales, called E2 here and the R10or fen group elsewhere, estimated by quantitativepolymerase chain reaction to be present at~108cellsper gram of dry peat. Methanogenic activity was considerablylower in deeper samples from both bogs.The methanogen populations detected by T-RFLP indeeper portions of MB were mainly E2 and the unculturedeuryarchaeal rice cluster (RC)-II group, whereaspopulations in the less acidic CB deep layers wereconsiderably different, and included aMethanomicrobialesclade we call E1-E1¢, as well as RC-I, RC-II,marine benthic group D, and a new cluster that we callthe subaqueous cluster. E2 was barely detectable inthe deeper samples from CB, further evidence for theassociations of most organisms in this group withacidic habitats
Vertical Profiles Of Methanogenesis And Methanogens In Two Contrasting Acidic Peatlands In Central New York State, USA
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Created on 10/12/2015
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Additional Information
- Publication
- Cadillo Quiroz H, Bräuer Suzanna L, Yashiro E, Sun C*, Yavitt JB, and Zinder SH. (2006). "Vertical Profiles Of Methanogenesis And Methanogens In Two Contrasting Acidic Peatlands In Central New York State, USA", Environmental Microbiology, 8(8):1428-1440. [ISSN: 1462-2912] DOI 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2006.01036.x] Version Of Record Available At
- Language: English
- Date: 2006
- Keywords
- methanogenesis, methanogens, acidic peatlands, acidic peat soils, T-RFLP