Trust-Choice Incompatibility and the Role of Automatic Activation

ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Jacob N. Conrad (Creator)
Appalachian State University (ASU )
Web Site:
Todd McElroy

Abstract: This study examines the influence of conscious and unconscious processes on trust and choice within an attribute framing task. Trust-choice incompatibility exists when a decision maker shows preference for one option, but trusts another option. For instance, a decision maker might prefer Butcher A, who advertises ground beef as 75% lean yet trust Butcher B, who advertises ground beef as 25% fat. McElroy and Conrad (2009) suggest that unconscious processing plays an important role in choice. A vigilance task was used to investigate unconscious processing and trust-choice incompatibility. Participants were primed with words to induce trust or doubt and then given the ground beef attribute framing task along with 7-point scales to indicate which butcher they prefer and trust.

Additional Information

Conrad, J.N. (2011). Trust-Choice Incompatibility and the Role of Automatic Activation. Unpublished master’s thesis. Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
Language: English
Date: 2011
Trust, Choice, Framing, Priming, Automatic

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