Educational Intervention On Preinduction Ondansetron As Prophylaxis For Subarachnoid Block-Induced Shivering

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Samuel L. Reddinger (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Stacey Schlesinger

Abstract: Background: Post-anesthesia shivering affects 55% of patients who receive a subarachnoid block and increases the risk of cardiac complications. Ondansetron can reduce the incidence of shivering by 57% to 80% when administered before the block. However, anesthesia providers do not typically administer ondansetron before the block. Purpose: This project aimed to increase provider recognition of post-anesthesia shivering as a clinical problem, decrease the incidence of post-anesthesia shivering, and increase the administration of ondansetron before subarachnoid block using an educational intervention. Methods: The eight-week project used an educational intervention to change anesthesia providers' perceptions of the incidence and severity of post-anesthesia shivering and the safety and efficacy of ondansetron in preventing it. The providers' perceptions were assessed using a pre- and post-intervention survey and retrospective chart data. Results: The results showed a significant change in provider perceptions of ondansetron's efficacy and benefits. However, pre-subarachnoid block ondansetron administrations decreased after the intervention. It was not possible to quantitatively measure the incidence of shivering. Recommendations: Systemic changes at the project site, including stakeholder ownership and the operating room process, may be necessary to improve the quality of care further.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2024
educational intervention, Health Beliefs Model, healthcare, neuraxial anesthesia, ondansetron, practice changes, shivering, spinal anesthesia, Zofran

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