The psychology of virtual art gallery experiences

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Rebekah M. Rodriguez (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Paul Silvia

Abstract: In answering the question “Where is art?”, this dissertation points towards toward virtual art gallery tools as an important context for study in the psychology of arts and aesthetics. Across three ordinal stages, (1) Developing the Open Gallery for Arts Research, (2) Expanding the OGAR Toolset and Research Program, and (3) Leveraging OGAR’s Capabilities to Enrich the Field, this work describes the development and research expansion of a framework for studying virtual art gallery experiences that aligns with open source and open science aims. After discussing this program of research, these findings are integrated to reveal new discourse on the state of the field. Throughout this section, I elaborate on outstanding questions about the use of virtual galleries in psychology of art research, insights into emerging opportunities for topic growth, and remaining conceptual challenges facing the adoption of virtual galleries in psychology of arts research. Thus far, it seems that this area of research must overcome some challenges in its perception in order to make its fullest contribution to the field. Altogether, however, virtual gallery tools reveal the shared and surprising psychology of digital interactions with art. This program of research and similar frameworks are poised to make significant progress in the psychology of arts and aesthetics, especially when considered as a companion tool for diverse methodologies.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2024
Aesthetics, Digital Art, Museum Behavior, Personality, Virtual Art Gallery, Visitor Studies
Art museum visitors $x Psychology
Aesthetics $x Psychological aspects
Virtual museums

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