Implementation of a Written Anesthesia-PACU Report Tool: To Increase Data Transfer and Improve Staff Satisfaction

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Brandi Johnson (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Stacey Schlesinger

Abstract: Background: The purpose of handoff is to transfer information effectively between healthcare providers to provide continuity of care and enhance patient safety. Failure to provide all necessary information in a timely fashion, can result in delays in care, and lead to patient harm. The nurse relies on a clear and accurate report from the anesthesia staff member to properly take over the care of the patient. Lack of a standardized handoff tool results in inaccuracies, omissions, and staff frustration. Purpose: The purpose of this quality improvement project is to appraise whether the use of a written anesthesia handoff tool during handoff increases report accuracy, decreases omissions, and increases PACU nurse satisfaction. Methods: A standardized written handoff tool was created with key stakeholders from the project’s site. Baseline data was collected by the PIs using direct observation of anesthesia to PACU RN handoff along with chart reviews. Baseline surveys were given to the staff. The nurse anesthetists and PACU RNs were educated on the purpose of the written handoff tool during a monthly staff meeting. Then the tool was implemented for 4 weeks. After the 4-week implementation phase ended, the observations, chart reviews and surveys were repeated to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool. Results: There was an increase in report accuracy, a decrease in omissions and an increase in PACU nurse satisfaction from pre-implementation to post-implementation of a written handoff tool for anesthesia to PACU RN handoff. Key search words: “PACU handoff tool”, “anesthesia handoff tool”, “PACU report tool”, “PACU handoff”, “anesthesia handoff”, and “PACU anesthesia report”.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2024
PACU handoff tool, anesthesia handoff tool, PACU report tool, PACU handoff, anesthesia handoff, PACU anesthesia report

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