Mejante locas [semejante locas]

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Daniel Ramirez-Lamos (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Meanley Meanley

Abstract: I'm making a conscious effort to disregard what should be expected of me. Saving face at the expense of myself and in fear of what others may see or say. My exhibition is a declaration of my own narrative and my expression of acceptance as a queer and quirky effeminate boy. Through the language of painting, music, crochet, and costuming, I am taking control of my own story and alleviating the hard-to-talk-about topics of being an individual with multifaceted identities in a world that is not all that accepting. Through color, play, love, and clowning, I can show what I'm really feeling without the use of difficult-to-source wording and academic jargon. I honor myself and my culture by being unapologetically authentic. I hope that authenticity resonates with others who unapologetically stand by their truth and power. My show is for those who may be outcast, othered, or weird; for people who seek visibility and love. For those that get it and for those that don't, I hope the message will resonate with all. What a lovely idea it is to be a person. To dance among others and to participate in the choir. Not to stand in the shadows and wait their turn.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2024
Clown, Latine, Latino, Music, POC, Queer
Identity (Psychology) in art
Other (Philosophy) in art
Minorities in art
Clowns in art

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