Alpha Gal in the Preoperative Environment

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Grant Everding (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Christine Kress

Abstract: Background: Alpha gal syndrome (AGS) is an allergy acquired from the bite of the lone star tick. This allergy manifests as a sensitivity to red meat, medicines, and implants derived from mammalian sources. Many of the medications that induce AGS are commonly used in the perioperative environment. Alpha gal syndrome can trigger serious, life-threatening reactions and it is crucial for health care providers to possess knowledge about AGS, its triggers, treatment, and prevention. Purpose: The purpose of this DNP project was to evaluate if an educational presentation and reference guide about alpha gal syndrome increased health care providers knowledge about how to recognize and manage the syndrome in their patients. Methods: The project used a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the impact of an educational session and educational resources on healthcare providers' knowledge of alpha gal syndrome. The intervention involved a 15-minute multimedia presentation that provided comprehensive information about AGS. Additionally, an online resource was created that contained information on medications capable of triggering alpha gal responses in various operative settings. Recommendations and Conclusion: Results showed no significant change in test scores for health care providers after intervention and overall higher mean scores than those reported in the literature. Health care providers may be becoming more aware of alpha gal syndrome through self-education or peer communication. Adaptation of existing protocols is a next step in managing care for alpha gal patients.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2023
alpha gal, anaphylaxis, IgE, allergy, tick bite, perioperative care

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