Responder Safety in Austere Conditions

ECSU Author/Contributor (non-ECSU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Joseph Cole, student (Creator)
Elizabeth City State University (ECSU )
Web Site:
Kevin Kupietz

Abstract: The response effort is one of the most critical and strenuous phases of emergency managementfor both victims, as well as responders. However, unlike victims, responders are often subject tothese conditions much more often and receive less support for their recovery. Many respondersfeel as if they aren’t given enough time to recover between responses, and many choose not toreceive assistance for various reasons. However, this has led to statistically higher cases ofmental disturbances caused by the trauma responders face, as well as lasting physical ailmentsand diseases that may lead to reduced mental health. Studying the experiences of first respondersreveals that they are aware of increased hazards when responding to austere conditions.They also believe that studying responder injuries in austere conditions can help improve thesafety of responses, and educating responders can prepare them for austere responses when theyoccur. Collecting data about responders’ injuries in austere conditions would allow emergencymanagers to improve the safety of both inexperienced and experienced first responders.

Additional Information

Honors Project
Language: English
Date: 2023
Austere, Responders, Disaster

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