How strategic marketing on Instagram has impacted corporate stock prices for luxury brands

ECSU Author/Contributor (non-ECSU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Tiyana Boyce, student (Creator)
Elizabeth City State University (ECSU )
Web Site:
Kim V. Scott

Abstract: Consumers of luxury brands are now younger and more digital savvy than ever before.With the introduction of social media platforms such as Instagram, luxury brands havereluctantly added social media marketing as a tool to reach consumers. The purpose ofthis research is to discuss whether the use of social media has an impact on thepurchasing decisions of consumers. Quarterly stock prices from publicly traded luxurybrands were used to compare changes in stock market prices two years before and twoyears after the implementation of Instagram. The findings suggest that theimplementation of Instagram as a marketing tool may have had a statistically significantimpact for the stock prices of three luxury brands.

Additional Information

Honors Project
Language: English
Date: 2022
Luxury Brands, Social Media, Instagram, Stock Market

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