Foreward [from EcoSocial Work: Environmental Practice and Advocacy]

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Meredith C.F. Powers, Associate Professor (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:

Abstract: I imagine many of you are eager to read all the wonderful expertise and wisdom found in this book on ecosocial work practice, and some may feel desperate to find hope, solace, and tangible ways to move to action. I commend you, but also urge you: “Don’t just do something, sit there!” Obviously, this is explicitly the opposite of what we feel with the dire sense of urgency and are often prodded, “Don’t just sit there, do something!” I say this to slow us down, in our overly fast-paced world, to invite you into intentional time to authentically experience this book. In this way you are taking a moment to “lean back” rather than “lean in,” to pause, to read, to reflect, to let things simmer, to digest, to unlearn, to disrupt, and to relearn. Some of you will find the content of this book new, while others may have been doing ecosocial work for decades. Some may have already embraced ecosocial worldviews, rather than the prevalent human-centric worldviews that wreak havoc on our world. I believe that all of us have something we can find in this collection of wisdom that will be novel, encouraging, and inspiring. I am thankful for these coeditors and authors, some of whom I am honored to call friends and others whom I am excited to know better. They have poured more than their time and energy into this resource; they have bravely shared what they have experienced, their perspectives, and their expertise on ecosocial work practice in great breadth and depth. In the chapters that follow, you will learn about their experiences with environmental justice, environmental racism, challenges faced by Native American and Indigenous peoples, housing disparities, reparations, art and activism, feminist participatory action research, disaster response, environmental refugees, community gardens, and teaching Ecosocialwork - and more.

Additional Information

Ecosocial Work: Environmental Practice and Advocacy
Language: English
Date: 2023
ecosocial work, environmental justice, environmental racism

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