Dominion on Ladders

ECSU Author/Contributor (non-ECSU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Erin O’Connor Gray, student (Creator)
Julian A. D. Allagan , Associate Professor (Contributor)
Elizabeth City State University (ECSU )
Web Site:

Abstract: A grid graph G(m,n) is often used to model certain computer networking configurations.To investigate the ‘robustness’ of such network against an adversarial attack,we study two related parameters on its subgraph, called Ladder, which we denote byLn: Domination (?) and Dominion (?). The smaller the ? value for a graph, the lessresources are needed to secure the network represented by the graph. On the otherhand, the greater the ? value for a graph, the more secure is the network representedby the graph. We concluded that, for n = 2,?(Ln) =jn2+ 1kand,?(Ln) =???????????????????3 if n = 32 if n = 2k + 1, k > 16 if n = 212 if n = 417 if n = 62n + 4 if n = 2k, k = 4.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2023
grid graph, computer networking, Domination

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