How is Dance Literacy So Important? Teaching Dance Composition and Motif Writing using Krashen’s Second-Language Acquisition = Pure Smart Play

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Teresa Heiland, Professor of Dance Education (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:

Abstract: Structure: In my session, I will share my research of students’ stories about making dances usingmotif symbols. I will share Steven Krashen’s educational theory used to instruct the non-majorintroduction to choreography classes. I will show dances and motif scores from DVD. I willconduct a mini-sample of a lesson using both homemade and Language of Dance® symbols. Andfinally, I will share with you my findings by reading a portion of my research.Contents: Borrowing from Steven Krashens’ Monitor Model of second-language acquisition in a“natural order,” dancers learn how motif writing can be a playful, cognitive tool towards bestpractices in dance education. Dance majors at university often cringe when faced with having tolearn and use symbols, and I keep asking “Why? It seems like pure fun to me.” Certainly noteveryone will respond with glee to learning to use symbols. When motif description is shared in adecidedly playful, relaxed, and highly creative environment, such as a non-major universitychoreography class, this researcher has discovered that motif description teases out discussion,exchange, concept building, analysis, and literacy amongst students because they are having funand area using the symbols to bring about clarity, challenge, diversity, and form with theirmovement invention.

Additional Information

Proceedings from the 2006 National Dance Education Organization Conference
Language: English
Date: 2006
dance literacy, dance education, dance composition, Stephen Krashen

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