Effects Of Geographic And Economic Heterogeneity On The Burden Of Rotavirus Diarrhea And The Impact And Cost-Effectiveness Of Vaccination In Pakistan
- ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Richard Rheingans Ph.D., Department Chair (Creator)
- Institution
- Appalachian State University (ASU )
- Web Site: https://library.appstate.edu/
Abstract: Globally, rotavirus is a leading cause of childhood diarrhea and related mortality. Although rotavirus vaccination has been introduced in many countries worldwide, there are numerous low- to middle-income countries that have not yet introduced. Pakistan is one of the countries with the highest number of rotavirus deaths in children under five years. Although rotavirus infection is almost universal among children, mortality is often a result of poor nutrition and lack of access to health care and other aspects of poverty. We assess the impact and cost-effectiveness of introducing childhood rotavirus vaccination in Pakistan. We use household data from the 2012–2013 Demographic Health survey in Pakistan to estimate heterogeneity in rotavirus mortality risk, vaccination benefits, and cost- effectiveness across geographic and economic groups. We estimate two-dose rotavirus vaccination coverage that would be distributed through a routine vaccination program. In addition, we estimate rotavirus mortality (burden), and other measures of vaccine cost-effectiveness and impact by subpopulations of children aggregated by region and economic status. Results indicate that the highest estimated regional rotavirus burden is in Sindh (3.3 rotavirus deaths/1000 births) and Balochistan (3.1 rotavirus deaths/1000 births), which also have the lowest estimated vaccination coverage, particularly for children living in the poorest households. In Pakistan, introduction could prevent 3061 deaths per year with current routine immunization patterns at an estimated $279/DALY averted.
Effects Of Geographic And Economic Heterogeneity On The Burden Of Rotavirus Diarrhea And The Impact And Cost-Effectiveness Of Vaccination In Pakistan
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Created on 8/11/2022
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Additional Information
- Publication
- Rheingans R, Anderson JD, Bagamian KH, et al. Effects of geographic and economic heterogeneity on the burden of rotavirus diarrhea and the impact and cost-effectiveness of vaccination in Pakistan. Vaccine. 2018;36(51):7780-7789. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.02.008. Publisher version of record available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X18301725
- Language: English
- Date: 2018
- Keywords
- Rotavirus,