Using Social Media to Improve Communication with Stakeholders in a Local School District

ECU Author/Contributor (non-ECU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Joshua D. Locklear (Creator)
East Carolina University (ECU )
Web Site:

Abstract: This study examines the impact of social media use as a communication tool within a local school district. Surveys were designed to gauge the effectiveness of communication efforts between district administrators , school administrators , and stakeholders , as well identify the forms of communication that each of the groups prefer. There was a total of 241 participants who completed the surveys , which were administered in three phases. The results were analyzed and used to plan a professional development session for district leaders in which they received training on various social media channels and they were challenged to begin implementing them in their communication with faculty , staff , parents , and community members. The results indicate that transparency between schools and stakeholders positively impacts public perception of local schools , and therefore the school district. It is recommended that district administrators create and implement a comprehensive communication plan , which includes a policy to assist employees in appropriate use of social media.

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Language: English
Date: 2019
stakeholder communication

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