Finding Vegan Poetics: Literature For Nonhumans As An Ecofeminist Response To Carnism

ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Samantha Hunter (Creator)
Appalachian State University (ASU )
Web Site:
David Orvis

Abstract: This thesis is my journey to finding and defining vegan poetics, a term I employ to define poetry that exhibits a vegan perspective through witnessing the mass slaughter of nonhuman animals and exposing the connection between the factory farming industry and climate change. As an example of vegan poetics, I present Gabriel Gudding’s 2015 poetry collection Literature for Nonhumans as exhibiting a fusion of vegan ideology and poetic technique. To analyze Gudding’s text, this thesis employs ecofeminist theory along with scholarship from the developing field of vegan studies to foster a discourse on what it means to write poetry in opposition to “carnism,” a term referring to the culture surrounding meat-eating. In short, Literature for Nonhumans provides entrance into the institution of the slaughterhouse and, in turn, introduces a comprehensive vegan worldview through the genre of poetry.

Additional Information

Hunter, S. (2018). "Finding Vegan Poetics: Literature For Nonhumans As An Ecofeminist Response To Carnism." Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
Language: English
Date: 2018
Vegan, poetics, carnism, sexual politics of meat, nonhuman

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