The ghetto sophisticates: Performing black masculinity, saving lost souls and serving as leaders of the new school.
- UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Charles P. Gause, Associate Professor (Creator)
- Institution
- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
- Web Site:
Abstract: The educational discourse chronicling the experiences of African American educators continues to be limited while the anthropological and sociological literature appears to be more inclusive. In reviewing the literature I have found the typical representation of African American educators to be negative. Educational literature in regards to African American educators since my birth year 1966 continues to focus on how African American educators maintain the status quo and how the dominant middle class values of society are reproduced through dominant pedagogy. This is the duality in which African. Americans must struggle. And because of the absence of the marginalized and silenced "other" within the literature, very few first-person narratives, which articulate the issues in which African American educators experience in educating today's youth is in existence. This has created a "state of uncertainty," (my emphasis) for myself and the practitioners studied, because of the works of other black educators, i.e., Mc Whorter (2000), Hale-Benson (1982), Delpit (1995), Ladson-Billings (1994), regarding what works for black children. This state of uncertainty is predicated upon the various conservative, liberal, and progressive politics that frame the writings of these academicians; as well as, the range of discourses. The discourses curricula, educational leadership, culture, teacher preparation and language are also informed by the researcher's position regarding the intersections of their race, class, and gender.
The ghetto sophisticates: Performing black masculinity, saving lost souls and serving as leaders of the new school.
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Created on 1/1/2005
Views: 3439
Additional Information
- Publication
- Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 9 (1), 17-31
- Language: English
- Date: 2005
- Keywords
- African American educators,