Why Millennials Are Leaving The Church: A Qualitative Study Analyzing Multiple Factors Contributing To The Decline In Millennial Engagement Within The Church

ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Sarah Margaret Vaughn (Creator)
Appalachian State University (ASU )
Web Site: https://library.appstate.edu/
Randall Reed

Abstract: This paper seeks to analyze Millennial responses towards the Church, and their decisions to leave the Church institution or religion as a whole. Previous literature that discusses statistical findings suggests that Millennials are the least likely to attend Church, or to participate in religion. The unaffiliated group categorized as, “Nones,” is on the rise within the United States and it represents the religiously unaffiliated. Unlike previous generations where those that left religion or the Church institution eventually returned after marriage and children, Millennials are predicted to be less likely to return to Church once they have gotten married and had children. Therefore, qualitative data was collected across multiple focus groups ranging from 4-10 participants per group that discussed questions on Millennials' views of the Church, religion, institutions, authenticity, and spiritual wounds. This data was analyzed and coded and can be used to provide a clearer perspective on the views Millennials hold towards these issues. For the purpose of this study, the most significant issues that were focused on within this paper are that of spiritual wounds through exclusion from the Church, Millennials' attitudes towards the Church, and the critique that the Church lacks authenticity.

Additional Information

Honors Project
Vaughn, S. (2016). Why Millennials Are Leaving The Church: A Qualitative Study Analyzing Multiple Factors Contributing To The Decline In Millennial Engagement Within The Church. Unpublished Honors Thesis. Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
Language: English
Date: 2016
millennials, leaving the church, pew report, religiosity, religiously unaffiliated

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