Community Day

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Peter G. Spivak (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Amy Lixl-Purcell

Abstract: The subject of my thesis is a recent event in the community in which I live. Visual investigation consists of drawings, paintings and mixed-media prints and collages that serve as parodies of the event. An accompanying booklet includes the initial drawings of people who live and work in the neighborhood and a fictional account derived from my knowledge of the event which occurred as follows: A new tenant on the corner began using the rental house for prostitution and drug dealing in 2005. In August of 2006, someone threw a Molotov cocktail at the house and almost burned it down. On the same day, a church down the street was celebrating "Community Day" and advertised the event with a hand-painted, wooden sign on the corner. The sign consisted of two sheets of plywood 30" x 48" hinged at the top, along with three small, floating balloons attached by strings.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2008
neighborhoods, original art, Community Day
City & town life
Mixed media

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TitleLocation & LinkType of Relationship
Spivak Thesis Drawing 1 described resource includes the related resource either physically or logically.
Spivak Thesis Drawing 2 described resource includes the related resource either physically or logically.
Spivak Thesis Drawing 3 described resource includes the related resource either physically or logically.
Spivak Thesis Painting 1 described resource includes the related resource either physically or logically.
Spivak Thesis Painting 2 described resource includes the related resource either physically or logically.
Spivak Thesis Painting 3 described resource includes the related resource either physically or logically.