Browse Author By Last Name - L

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There are 1978 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Labovitz, Emma R.Government and Justice Studies - Student, ASU Student
Lackey , Sarah Government and Justice Studies - Student , ASU Student
Lail, Derrick WesleyGovernment and Justice Studies - Student , ASU Student
Lemmons, David FrederickGovernment and Justice Studies - Student , ASU Student
Laney, Jordan Government and Justice Studies - Student , ASU Student
Lineberger, Miles ErvinGuidance and Counseling - Student, ASU Student
Lassiter, Austin T.Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Larson, Erica Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Luck, J. Carter Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Lubkemann, Austin WilliamHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Leicht, Zachary Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Lawrence, Marcus MichaelHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Lightner, Ashley NoelHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Lidstone, Daniel Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU Student
Lojko, Gloria JeanHealth and Physical Education - Student, ASU Student
Lowe, Cathy L.Health Education, Phys. Ed., & Leisure - Student, ASU Student
Lisk, John WalterHealth, Physical Education, & Recreation - Student, ASU Student
Lentz, II, Ralph E.History - Student, ASU Student
Long , Emily History - Student, ASU Student
Lancaster, Aaron EnnisHistory - Student, ASU Student
Land, Jeremy History - Student, ASU Student
Lane, Albert BrentonHistory - Student, ASU Student
Luthern, Allison History - Student, ASU Student
Laney, Mackenzie History - Student, ASU Student
Lynip, Keith FosterHistory - Student, ASU Student