Browse Author By Last Name - T

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There are 1229 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Tingler, Kristina English, WCU Student
Taylor, Joshua ScottEnglish, WCU Student
Thomas, Jade English, WCU Faculty
Turnbull, Joshua NathanEngineering and Technology, WCU Student
Tahabilder, Anik Engineering and Technology, WCU Student
Thomas, Keely SheaChemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Truluck, Holly D. Chemistry and Physics, WCU Student
Tupy, John AllenBiology, WCU Student
Torgerson, Jennifer MarianBiology, WCU Student
Taylor, Joseph DakotaBiology, WCU Student
Trumm, Bailey Biology, WCU Student
Turnbull, Alexa (Lex)Art and Design, WCU Student
Turner, Remus Accounting, Finance, Info Systems and Business Law, WCU Student
Thompson, Beth William Madison Randall Library, UNCW Faculty
Thomas, Duane J.Psychology, UNCW Student
Trogdon, Carrie E.Psychology, UNCW Student
Thomas, Rhiannon D.Psychology, UNCW Student
Taddei, Jeffrey M.Psychology, UNCW Student
Tim, Black Physics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW N/A
Toothman, Byron R.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Thatcher, Lisa A.Marine Science, UNCW Student
Thomas, Alicia History, UNCW Student
Taylor, Jennifer WhitmerHistory, UNCW Student
Torres, Marry Ann RadoEnglish, UNCW Student
Turrise, Stephanie College of Health and Human Services, UNCW Faculty