Browse Author By Last Name - Y

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There are 343 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Yadranjiaghdam, Babak ECU Student
Yaeger, Michael ECU Student
Yaffe, M JECU Student
Yaffey, Megan DanielleChemistry - Student, ASU Student
Yagerline, John M.School of Music, UNCG N/A
Yagerline, John M.School of Music, UNCG N/A
Yamada, Masahiro Kinesiology, UNCG Student
Yamaguch, Dean ECU Student
Yamaguchi, Dean J.ECU Student
Yamaguchi, Dean J.ECU Student
Yamaguchi, Dean J.ECU Student
Yamaguchi, Dean J.ECU Student
Yamaguchi, Dean J.ECU Student
Yamaguchi, Junko Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG Student
Yamashita, Makiko ECU Student
Yamashita, Makiko ECU Student
Yamazaki, Akiko School of Music, UNCG Student
Yamova, Liubov ECU Student
Yan, Huimin,Behun,Michael A.,Cook,Marc D.,Ranadive,Sushant M.,Lane-Cordova,AECU Student
Yan, Ji Economics, ASU Faculty
Yan, Tingfen ECU Student
Yan, Yan ECU Student
Yan, Yulong ECU Student
Yan, Zhen ECU Student
Yancey, Ryan ECU Student
Yancy, Clyde ECU Student
Yancy, William S.ECU Student
Yandell, Anne LewisMathematics, UNCG Student
Yandle, Elizabeth LewisEducation - Student, ASU Student
Yanek, Lisa R.ECU Student
Yang, Bingduo Mathematics, UNCC Student
Yang, Bo ECU Student
Yang, Chengwen ECU Student
Yang, Chue HueChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG Student
Yang, Chunlei Software and Information Systems, UNCC Student
Yang, Chunlin ECU Student
Yang, Haihoua Computer Science - Student, ASU Student
Yang, Hailong ECU Student
Yang, Hailong ECU Student
Yang, Howard ECU Student
Yang, Jia-Yu School of Music, UNCG Student
Yang, Jin ECU Student
Yang, Jin BangHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG Student
Yang, Jing,Lv,Xing,Chen,Jinna,Xie,Changqing,Xia,Weixiong ECU Student
Yang, Josh ECU Student
Yang, Jun "Michelle" Management, UNCG Faculty
Yang, Kaida ECU Student
Yang, Kaida ECU Student
Yang, L. V.ECU Student