Browse Author By Last Name - V

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There are 467 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Va´clavi´k, Toma´s? Geography & Earth Sciences, UNCC Student
Vacc, Nancy NesbittEducation, UNCG Student
Vaccharajani, Tushar ECU Student
Vachet, Richard W.ECU Student
Vadehra, Pooja Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG Student
Vahdati, Ali ECU Student
Vahedian-Azimi, Amir ECU Student
Vahedian-Azimi, Amir ECU Student
Vahedian‑Azimi, Amir,Bashar,Farshid R.,Khan,Abbas M.,Miller,Andrew C.ECU Student
Vahedian‑Azimi, Amir,Bashar,Farshid R.,Khan,Abbas M.,Miller,Andrew C.ECU Student
Vahora, Zahid ECU Student
Vaidya, Himani Biology, UNCG Student
Vaidya, Jayant S,Wenz,Frederik,Bulsara,Max,Tobias,Jeffrey S,JosepECU Student
Vaidya, Smita PralhadPhysics, UNCG Student
Vail, John EdwardsTechnology Systems, ECU Student
Vail, Marilyn Romance Languages, UNCG Student
Vaillant, Colette ECU Student
Vaishnav, Shreya V.Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG Student
Vajda, Karen ECU Student
Valades, Matthew English, UNCG Student
Valcheff, Karen Nursing, UNCG Student
Valcin, Mariot ECU Student
Valcin, Mariot,Jr ECU Student
Valderas, Michelle ECU Student
Valencia, Ana P.ECU Student
Valencia, Ana P.,Iyer,Shama R.,Spangenburg,Espen E.,Gilotra,MohiECU Student
Valencia, Sonia ECU Student
Valenti, Francis TimothyHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG Student
Valentine, Jackson Government and Justice Studies - Student, ASU Student
Valentine, Patrick ECU Student
Valentine, Patrick M.ECU Student
Valentine, Patrick M.ECU Student
Valentine, Patrick M.ECU Faculty
Valenzuela, Pablo Engineering and Technology, WCU Student
Vallabhaneni, Meghana ECU Student
Vallecorsa, Ada LEducation, UNCG Faculty
Valley, Jenna RoseBiology - Student, ASU Student
Valnickova, Zuzana ECU Student
Valnickova, Zuzana ECU Student
Valsalan, A. KattiappurathuChemistry, UNCG Student
Valvano, Christopher FECU Student
Valvano, Christopher F.ECU Student
Van, Cooten SuzanneECU Student
Van, Dross Rukiyah T.ECU Student
Van, Dyke Thomas E.ECU Student
Van, Eyk Jason J.ECU Student
Van, Scott Michael R.ECU Student
Van Acker, Teresa A.Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Van Amerson, Henry. ECU Student