Browse Author By Last Name - L

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There are 1978 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Lyvers-Peffer, Pasha A.Nutrition, UNCG N/A
Lytton, John Drama and Speech, UNCG Student
Lyttle, Elizabeth MECU Student
Lyttle, Elizabeth ECU Student
Lytle, Ashley Biology, UNCP Student
Lys, Diana BECU Student
Lys, Diana ECU Student
Lyons, Zara ECU Student
Lyons, W. BerryECU Student
Lyons, Sherry KayHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG Student
Lyons, Nicole D.ECU Student
Lyonnais, Mary JaneECU Student
Lyonnais, Mary JaneECU Student
Lyon, Raymond StewartECU Student
Lynn, Heather HigginsEducational Leadership and Counseling, UNCP Faculty
Lynn, George H.English, UNCG Student
Lynn, Bradley CarlGeography, UNCG Student
Lynip, Keith FosterHistory - Student, ASU Student
Lynch, Ph.D., Jason Leadership and Educational Studies, ASU Faculty
Lynch, Tera L. Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW Student
Lynch, Steven A.ECU Student
Lynch, Spencer R.ECU Student
Lynch, Spencer R.ECU Student
Lynch, Olivia ShippECU Student
Lynch, Olivia SECU Student