Browse Author By Last Name - H

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There are 2530 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Hayes, Ivey Art, UNCG Student
Hayes, Karen History, UNCG Student
Hayes, Karen M. Political Science and Public Administration, UNCP Student
Hayes, Karen M. Esther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP N/A
Hayes, Kelsey Biology - Student, ASU Student
Hayes, Matthew S.Art, UNCG Student
Hayes, Mayra I.Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Hayes, Sherman William Madison Randall Library, UNCW Faculty
Hayes, Sherrill W.Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG Faculty
Hayes, Vicky Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU Student
Hayes, Victoria Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG Student
Hayes, Virginia B.Education, UNCG Student
Hayes-Jordan, Andrea A.ECU Student
Hayford, Anthony ECU Student
Haygood, Tamia Kyana History - Student, ASU Student
Hayhurst, Nina L.Psychology, UNCW Student
Haykal-Coates, Najwa ECU Student
Hayman, Jeanette A.Maritime Studies, ECU Student
Hayman, Jeanette A.ECU Student
Hayner, Carol K. HoultramEducation, UNCG Student
Hayner-Buchan, Alida ECU Student
Haynes, Allen DeanHistory - Student, ASU Student
Haynes, Hannah CECU Student
Haynes, Leah Justine SinkEnglish, UNCG Student
Haynes, Leigh VictoriaEnglish - Student, ASU Student