Browse Author By Last Name - H

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There are 2531 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Haladay, Jane American Indian Studies, UNCP Faculty
Halawani, Hafez ECU Student
Halbert, Martin University Libraries, UNCG Faculty
Haldeman, Lauren Nutrition, UNCG Faculty
Haldeman, Michael EdwardMusic, UNCG Student
Hale, Coleman MurrayNutrition, UNCG Student
Hale, Courtney Rehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU Student
Hale, Dan Art, UNCG Faculty
Hale, David Hunter Computer Science, UNCC Student
Hale, John C.ECU Student
Hale, Meaghan ECU Student
Hale, Michael E.ECU Student
Hale, Rebecca E. Department of Biology, UNCA Faculty
Hale, Robin Geography and Planning - Student , ASU Student
Hale, Sharon L.ECU Student
Hale, Walter R.ECU Student
Hales, Gary W.ECU Student
Hales, Kelly KristinaEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Hales, Kelsey LeighEnglish, WCU Student
Hales, Patrick DeanTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG Student
Haley, Clare ECU Student
Haley, Erin ECU Student
Haley, Erin ECU Student
Haley, Erin ECU Student
Haley, Jae KimEnglish, UNCG Student