Browse Author By Last Name - E

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There are 693 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Evans, Jeff ECU Student
Evans, Kristen N.ECU Student
Everett, Olivia D.ECU Student
Earley-Thiele, Margaret ECU Student
Eaves, Audrey DeniseECU Student
Everson, Elizabeth A.Chancellor's Scholars - Psychology, UNCP Student
Elkins, Jane AnselEnglish, UNCG Student
Ellis, Jordan Michael Psychology - Student, ASU Student
Easly, Olivia Communication - Student, ASU Student
Egeln, Laura Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG Student
Ellison, Timothy LeeMusic, UNCG Student
Ester, Corbin DanielChemistry - Student, ASU Student
Elrod, Joshua David Leadership and Educational Studies - Student, ASU Student
Ejimofor, Anurika D.Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG Student
Edge, Chase Sustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU Student
Egan, Joseph M.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG Student
Eldreth, Leslie Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Elmes, Melissa RidleyEnglish, UNCG Student
Evans, Jacinda NaTashaSociology, UNCG Student
Engel, Laura FugateHistory, UNCA Student
Emery, Kristin Biology, UNCA Student
Everhart, Stephen Daniel Spanish, UNCA Student
Edwards, Jennifer LipseyArt and Design, WCU Student
Ebaugh, Lindsey C.Honors College, Biology Department, UNCP Student
Engle, Kathryn S.Sociology - Student, ASU Student