Browse Author By Last Name - T

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There are 1229 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Turley, Bryan PatrickEnglish, UNCG Student
Turk, Kimberly TisdaleHuman Services, WCU Student
Turi, Lorraine Art, ECU Student
Turgut-Kara, Neslihan ECU Student
Turek, Laura M.Kinesiology, UNCG Student
Turanchik, Thomas StephenMusic, UNCG Student
Turakhia, Mintu P.ECU Student
Tupy, John AllenBiology, WCU Student
Tupes, Danielle ECU Student
Tunstall, Samuel Luke Mathematical Sciences - Student, ASU Student
Tunstall, Jeffrey ClarkEducational Leadership - Student, ASU Student
Tunstall, Hillary R.ECU Student
Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak Library, ECSU Faculty
Tumulty, James Biology, ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student
Tumin, Dmitry ECU Student