Browse Author By Last Name - L

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There are 1978 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
LaButti, Kurt Michael.ECU Student
Laca, M. ECU Student
Laca, Marcelo ECU Student
Lacambacal, Daniel VincentECU Student
Lacaud, Georges ECU Student
Lacey, Elizabeth P.Biology, UNCG Faculty
Lacey, Stephen ECU Student
Lacey, Thomas ECU Student
Lacey, Thomas ECU Student
Lacey, Victoria HollowellBiology - Student, ASU Student
LaChance, Andrew KeithCIS & SCM - Student, ASU Student
Lachance, Joan Rolston Department of Middle, Secondary and K-12 Education, UNCC Student
LaChappelle, Rebecca ECU Student
Lachenman, Sara ReganInterior architecture, UNCG Student
Lacher, Meagan B.School of Music, UNCG Student
Lackey, Alton DaleEngineering and Technology, WCU Student
Lackey, Carolyn ECU Student
Lackey, Gregory J.ECU Student
Lackey, Joanna H.Art, UNCG Student
Lackey, Kim ECU Student
Lackey, Louise BaleyArt, UNCG Student
Lackey, Mary RhyneEducation - Student, ASU Student
Lackey, Matthew W.Psychology - Student, ASU Student
Lackey , Sarah Government and Justice Studies - Student , ASU Student
Lackey-Laumann, Josiane ThereseEducation, UNCG Student