Browse by Keywords - OTHER

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There are 17679 record/s using the keyword/s: other.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
State report card rating, poverty and burnout : South Carolina high school principal perspe...2009Gramling-Vasquez, Susan StudentHuman Services, WCU
#Black Boy Joy: The College Aspirations of Rural Black Male Students2023Crumb, Loni StudentECU
#Black Boy Joy: The College Aspirations of Rural Black Male Students2023Chambers, Crystal RenéeStudentECU
#Black Boy Joy: The College Aspirations of Rural Black Male Students2023Chittum, Jessica R.StudentECU
#oldnews: Diffusion of Pro-Conservation Behaviors and Social Media in Wildlife Tourism2023Schuler, Gwyneth MStudentECU
"... and all the men knew the colors of the sea..." Historical and Archaeological investigat...2023Eslinger, Kimberly LaneStudentECU
... With the speed of a stag hound, the Steamship Winfield Scott : a case study in early Uni...2023Marx, Deborah E.StudentECU
"...While the music lasts" : the timeless moment in the modern quest for unity1971Beamon, Glenda WardStudentEducation, UNCG
"...the whole river is a bustle some about their children, brothers and husbands and the res...2013Bruns, Carter StudentHistory, WCU
?ísti? X?isto?2023Dixon, Cameron StudentECU
{C7}1 integrins mediate tubule formation induced by supernatants derived from KSHV infected ...2023Dyson, Ossie F.StudentECU
«En música italiana / y castellana en la letra». El camino hacia la ópera italianizante en e...2008Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
¿Como se llama? What's in a library name and logo?2023Simpson, Susan StudentECU
¿Como se llama? What's in a library name and logo?2023Ketterman, Elizabeth StudentECU
¿Como se llama? What's in a library name and logo?2023Coghill, Jeffrey StudentECU
100 Plus Tips to Improve Your Club Operation2010Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
12 Human Resource Best Practices to Improve Your Operations2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
12 Leadership Best Practices to Improve Your Operations2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
14 Finance and Accounting Best Practices to Improve Your Operations2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023He, Yongfeng StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Han, Jeong-Ran StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Chang, Ockyoung StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Oh, Minsoo StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023James, Sarah E.StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Lu, Qun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Seo, Young-Woo StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Kim, Hangun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Kim, Kwonseop StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Kim, Hangun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012He, Yongfeng StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Kim, Kwonseop StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Han, Jeong RanStudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Chang, Ockyoung StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Oh, Minsoo StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012James, Sarah E.StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Lu, Qun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Seo, Young-Woo StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Becker, Craig M.StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Hudson, Suzanne StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Hoover, Jeanne K.StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Civils, Donald StudentECU
The 16 April 2011 EF3 Tornado in Greene County, Eastern North Carolina2023Rickenbach, Thomas M.StudentECU
17ß-Estradiol Directly Lowers Mitochondrial Membrane Microviscosity and Improves Bioenergeti...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
1896 : free silver and the Virginia Democratic Party2023Carter, Alfred W.StudentECU
1986-1987 Archaeological Survey of the Schooner FLEETWING Site, 47DR168, Garrett Bay, Wiscon...2023Cooper, David J.StudentECU
(2)rotaxanes as reagents for (3)rotaxane sythesis [i.e. synthesis]2010Hart, Matthew BenStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
[2+2] dimerization of cinnamylidenemalonic acid 2010Weathersby, Shana StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride : effect on neurospora crassa1970Wallace, Donna GaleazziStudentBiology, UNCG